This will be a week where participating Areas around the space (as per the Lead’s willingness and permission!) will be trying to clean up and rid their Area of unwanted or old items that they no longer need or want.
It is a rule that no item may leave its Area without that Area’s Lead giving permission, I cannot stress this enough. None of what is done during this week will be overriding Area Storage Policy, so if you have any doubt about any of your belongings that stay in an Area, please talk to your Area Lead. If an Area Lead has not said anything about participating, then their Area will NOT be touched.
Once the items are chosen to be removed, they will all be moved into Room 2 (thank you, LaDeana) for the ability to make a bid in the usual auction fashion. However, a Lead who may want that item for their area instead may take the item off the ballot at any time, if they believe it will be beneficial to add to their Area. Otherwise, auctions will be conducted as usual and will close on Friday, May 3rd, at noon. The absolute FINAL day to pickup items will be on Sunday, May 5th, at noon. Even if an auction is won, but it is not picked up before then, the item in question will be thrown out. Room 2, as well as any other Area in MakeICT, deserves better than to become a storage unit, so let’s all come together to help make our space more usable and better kept up with.
There will be a spot in the Welcome Center where Leads can select a day or days during this week to tackle their Area. If you would like to volunteer your time to help a Lead, please communicate with them to let them know you will show up that day.
Thank you to everyone who has helped make this a reality, and I hope to see everyone who wants to participate.
~Tricia Cortes, Events Committee Lead
I want to be upfront that my intention with this idea has always been for the good of MakeICT from Day 1. Its no secret that we have so much stuff that it makes it hard to find the things we need, so this is tripling as a cleaning and organizing week as well. Leads schedule their own cleaning days, but in case it has slipped through the cracks or they need another one, this can cover them. All Leads have either been asked their opinions about this week and the details in a Leads meeting and/or an email. This idea has been brought up for feedback in multiple Board meetings and workshops. I will also be putting notes on doors and this information is included in next month’s Newsletter, as well as emailed out to membership. This is the first iteration of the idea being put into action, but the details about this week in the future can be changed to benefit the space and everyone involved better.