The first communication about mask wearing in the building that I can find was posted out on the forum in June 2020 after our first known case of a member testing positive for COVID.
The 2020 FAQ page that underwent several revisions over the course of 2020 to keep people updated about what was going on at the building and was previously linked at the top of the public website was updated in July to reflect that masks were required inside the building. I believe there was some other information on the website alongside that, but the website has been revised and that information has been removed.
Signs have been up on the entrances and just inside the building for a very long time reminding folks that masks and social distancing are required.
Our October 2020 newsletter that was emailed to everyone included a reminder as well.
Many class descriptions, social media posts, and communications around re-orientation and new member orientation sessions included information about COVID safety at the space, as well as during the orientation sessions themselves.
It’s reasonably clear that we’ve communicated to folks that we ask them to wear a mask while they’re in the building and we haven’t, to my knowledge, communicated otherwise.
//Personal Opinion Follows//
This issue should be a simple one, but I’m afraid it’s so politicized and just nutso at this point, I personally struggle to have a civilized conversation about it. I totally get, support, and love that we’re all free to have different opinions about the issues. I just don’t think it’s the same thing to treat other people’s health and well being and that of their family as an issue to have an opinion about. It’s a real thing, with real consequences, and we should each care strongly about protecting one another.
Speaking for myself, the minor inconvenience and personal discomfort is well worth it to help reduce continued spread and, more importantly, continued mutation of the virus which has the potential to make the available vaccines less effective or ineffective altogether. I want to be able to look back at this time in history and feel confident that I did my part to help make sure every life that could be saved was, and every long-term illness that could be avoided was.
So, I’ll keep wearing my mask till the doctors and scientists recommend otherwise, not the politicians, and I’ll hope that others will be kind enough to do so to. As a community, I believe we’re only as strong and resilient as our compassion for other people. Also, there’s that whole Be Excellent to Each Other, the first rule of MakeICT, which is a pretty good motto to live and make by.
//End of Personal Opinion//
If enough folks think our current stance about COVID safety is unclear, let us know and we can add it to the agenda for clarification at the next Board Meeting coming up on May 20th.