Let's revisit the mandatory mask policy

I propose we make masks optional or by request by another member if distance can’t be maintained.

The city, county and state have removed the mandate. Many local businesses have removed the mandate. Restaurants patrons are not masked. We have all had plenty of opportunity to be vaccinated.
Often when I’m at the space, I have the whole room or whole building to myself. I have encountered other makers who are not masked and we have mutually agreed to assume the minimal risk.

I would welcome a discussion on the forum about the mask policy and members attitudes and comfort with relaxing the requirement.



I agree that making masks optional would be a great idea. If someone in the space is wearing one and you are not, maybe just ask if they want you to wear one, as you mentioned.


I disagree. While people have indeed had ample time to get vaccinated the numbers show not everyone has or even will. The building is much larger in total sqft in comparison to Douglas but most shops are cozy, especially if a class is going on.
Personally the idea of what you a proposing sounds reasonable, but moving to optional except by request leaves a gap where someone could contract.
At this stage in what is still a pandemic letting your gaurd down now is akin to celebrating your heavyweight boxing title in the middle of the first round. You might have every reason to assume victory, doesn’t mean your opponent can’t knock you out.
Trust me, I get how frustrating keep your mask on while working on projects are. There is nothing like working on the cabbing machine and realize half way through the water coming off has become low key waterboarding yourself. But that’s the price of play during a pandemic to keep others safe.


I wear because I care and it is best practice. It should not be that telling someone to put on a mask make you the “bad” guy, when we have a policy to wear a mask. Wearing a mask is not to protect you, it is protect those around you, whether it is covid, the flu, or even a cold.
When I was at the building on Monday. I passed 4 different in the hallway, who were, not only not wearing masks, but didn’t even have one with them. So, if you’re not going to wear a mask and there are no consequences, is it really a mandatory?


Before covid nobody even thought about wearing mask in a community space just to keep things on point mask mandate was for covid

Any how with this said how long are we going to require this for transparency sake and to avoid arguments that could be misconstrued due to interpretation of the rules. Since sedgwick co.has lifted mandate. Are we going to a 2nd phase like a mask not required, however are encouraged?
I’m sure we are all wanting to get this over with, just my 2 cents!


I think Scott was implying how in some countries it is considered polite and respectful to put on a mask if you feel unwell. You are 100% correct though that in America it didn’t become a thing that you saw in public until Covid. Mostly was a surgery thing.
As far as sedgwick co dropping the mandate that is also correct. As an employee of the CoW they do require me to keep a mask on while on the clock, in a large garage, even though I might be 50ft from another person. And if anyone boards any of my pieces of equipment they need a mask too. And if they refuse, which is there right to do, they have to get off my equipment.
As far as a date for when it can be relaxed, in my workspace the latest date is Sep.


You are absolutely correct Frank. The mask usage was not even a thing in this country until COVID. I don’t know for sure or if it is just anecdotal, but since more people are utilizing masks, less cold and less flu has been running around.


Our workplace has dropped the mandate but encourages people who feel more comfortable with a mask on to continue wearing them. I keep a few at my desk for when the need arises, and when flu season hits I’ll wear one regularly both at work and at the makerspace.

This I do agree with I have not got sick all year. I have surrendered life as I knew it lol!
I have sat back and pondered what if the actions we take help eliminate more than just covid what if we radify the flu too! That would be awesome!

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That is an interesting thought, the actions taken to subdue one super contagious sneaky virus leads to a handful we have learned to ‘just deal with’ disappearing all together.


Couple thoughts:

  1. Where is the mask policy? I can’t seem to find anything concrete on the forum or wiki so I’m wondering if it was just relying on the county mandate.
  2. Why are people ignoring the signs on the doors?

Before the vaccine became available the best defense was the mask by everybody. Now that the vaccine is widely available (for flu as well as Covid) the independent, self-responsible best choice is the vaccine. Those who “can’t or won’t” are relying on the inconvenience and discomfort of strangers to secure their own health and well being. Or if they “can’t or won’t” they can also self isolate and not participate in public events or gatherings. Even churches now are going mask free. I’m sure the last to go mask free will be big business in fear of law suits attacking their deep pockets.

The first communication about mask wearing in the building that I can find was posted out on the forum in June 2020 after our first known case of a member testing positive for COVID.

The 2020 FAQ page that underwent several revisions over the course of 2020 to keep people updated about what was going on at the building and was previously linked at the top of the public website was updated in July to reflect that masks were required inside the building. I believe there was some other information on the website alongside that, but the website has been revised and that information has been removed.

Signs have been up on the entrances and just inside the building for a very long time reminding folks that masks and social distancing are required.

Our October 2020 newsletter that was emailed to everyone included a reminder as well.

Many class descriptions, social media posts, and communications around re-orientation and new member orientation sessions included information about COVID safety at the space, as well as during the orientation sessions themselves.

It’s reasonably clear that we’ve communicated to folks that we ask them to wear a mask while they’re in the building and we haven’t, to my knowledge, communicated otherwise.

//Personal Opinion Follows//

This issue should be a simple one, but I’m afraid it’s so politicized and just nutso at this point, I personally struggle to have a civilized conversation about it. I totally get, support, and love that we’re all free to have different opinions about the issues. I just don’t think it’s the same thing to treat other people’s health and well being and that of their family as an issue to have an opinion about. It’s a real thing, with real consequences, and we should each care strongly about protecting one another.

Speaking for myself, the minor inconvenience and personal discomfort is well worth it to help reduce continued spread and, more importantly, continued mutation of the virus which has the potential to make the available vaccines less effective or ineffective altogether. I want to be able to look back at this time in history and feel confident that I did my part to help make sure every life that could be saved was, and every long-term illness that could be avoided was.

So, I’ll keep wearing my mask till the doctors and scientists recommend otherwise, not the politicians, and I’ll hope that others will be kind enough to do so to. As a community, I believe we’re only as strong and resilient as our compassion for other people. Also, there’s that whole Be Excellent to Each Other, the first rule of MakeICT, which is a pretty good motto to live and make by.

//End of Personal Opinion//

If enough folks think our current stance about COVID safety is unclear, let us know and we can add it to the agenda for clarification at the next Board Meeting coming up on May 20th. :writing_hand:


As Scott said, no one is actively enforcing the current mask mandate, so I’m not really sure what the point of this thread is.

I wear my mask when I’m around others in the space. If I’m the only one in a room, I take it off. Not really that big of a deal.


First off, I will admit to being one of those who is not abiding by the posted sign 100%. Basically, I wear my mask when I am in the hallway and when I am in a room with others. If I am in a room by alone, I do not. I also was one of those that Scott passed last night, though I did in fact have a mask with me. I was just running across the hall, and nobody was around at the time and I forgot to put it back on when I saw Scott walking down the hall.

I also agree that there has been ample opportunity for vaccinations and that there has to come a time where we as a society have to say that those who are concerned for their health should have been vaccinated, and therefore risk or not, life has to get back to normal. I certainly do not mean any disrespect to anyone who has lost loved ones from this pandemic. I realize how devastating it has been on many people in the country and world. I also realize that comparing it to the flu is very controversial, but as has been mentioned, we live with the risk of flu every year, and manage to get along just fine without wearing masks. Now I also will admit that in the past, passing by someone who was wearing a mask made me roll my eyes. I can’t promise that I won’t return to that mentality again, but at least for the time, I have learned to have more compassion for them. Well with the exception of those who are driving in their car with the windows up, and by themselves, and wearing a mask … I’m sorry, I can’t help but judge them.

I personally don’t see how a policy or wearing a mask on request would be beneficial at all. As Scott pointed out, that makes the person requesting it into the bad guy. Also causes hard feelings for the person being requested to put one on, as clearly they do not want to wear a mask. So I don’t think you can really make someone wear a mask unless it is a mandatory situation. At best, there would have to be a policy of mandatory masks when social distancing (as much as I am tired of that phrase) is not possible.

Anyway, I think this discussion is a good exercise. WE are the members (owners) of MakeICT, and the board needs to hear our thoughts. As pointed out, there technically is no COVID policy adopted by the board. The Government pretty much made that decision for us, as we opened our doors while under a full State/County/City mandate. So the board did not have a need to adopt a policy. Whatever the next move is, it will have to take a board decision to address it.

I agree that this discussion is a good exercise, and I hope my personal thoughts on the matter as expressed above don’t lead folks to believe otherwise, just to be totally clear.

I think one of the important things you’ve hit on here is that nobody wants to ‘be the bad guy’. We all just want to have fun and do cool stuff, which we are particularly gifted as a group at accomplishing on the regular! I find it can be really hard sometimes to speak up and ask someone to pull their mask up, particularly if you don’t know them. Also, it just gets old! I mean, who here isn’t suffering from some serious pandemic burnout. I know I am!

Anywho, keep the good discussion coming. :+1:


Do I want to wear one not really.
Will I yes.
Do I think the policy needs looked at again absolutely :100:.

Reasonable alternatives:
1.) Not require:but encouraged
2.) Required in gatherings of 2 or more if any one person wants to wear a mask.
If you don’t want to wear a mask and someone else does please give them the space or mask up.
There are a lot of people who are still scared of this let’s be sensitive to thier fears and make the space a welcoming place for all.

It’s not anecdotal. The data support this claim.


Cdc says we can get together if we keep it in small groups without any issues.

I said I don’t know anyone without issues! Lol
Just gonna leave this here!

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CDC says it is safe to get together in small groups if:

  1. everyone in the group is vaccinated and more than 2 weeks past the final dose of vaccine
  2. you are all outdoors

just wanted to clarify.