I’ve been keeping my eyes peeled for an upgrade to our 4 color press that we have in Printmaking. The one we have is okay… but the registration is difficult to master and rarely holds up for extended prints.
I have spotted one that could be a perfect fit for us, but would require some additional funds. This particular press is being listed for $400 in Olathe. It has 6 color stations and micro-registration.
We have some money in our Printmaking budget, and I’m willing to put $50 of my own money down, along with any other donations. If you’re interested in making a donation to upgrade our space, please consider coming Friday, Oct 14, 6-9 pm to print some of my own personal artwork on a t-shirt or bag. Here’s a peek at the artwork, as I’m still making some adjustments. I’m re-working it a tad to give it a Toto vibe. I’ll post updates.