Spring Renaissance Fair - April 15th and 16th, 2023

Could’ve definitely used hand warmers. It was freezing! Still had fun though.


Everybody was killing it. Was cold and windy but when you’re having fun you don’t notice it until the end.


Dead tired, but fun day!

Rustin presenting the cursed relic containment

The siege weapon contest!!!

That we didn’t win :frowning:


Another festival is in the books! Many thanks to all the excellent people who worked the MakeICT Castle, through the cold, the dust, and the endless hordes of festival goers, and the death defying setup and tear down. Huzzah! :tada:


A wild ride as always. If anyone got any pictures of the wyzardly wyrm, Kimmy and the daisy’s, or myself you’re willing to share please send them my way. My phone was a dedicated modem both days so i didn’t get any myself.

The end of day 1 sun worhippers after spending the day cold and in the dark.


I know it was cold, windy, and dehydrating, but I wanted to put out a big thank you to everyone that helped out! You guys rock and you definitely help us stand out as an amazing group!

Bill Y. for his help printing catapults

Greg C (who’s been a member for a week!) for his help transporting the castle

Michael A., Matthew C., Katie C., Gemma B., Jeremy B., Sherry I., Dean D. for their help with the siege weapon contest and hauling the ballista around fair nearly half a dozen times!

Patrick H., Katie C., Gemma B., and Matthew C. for all their help assembling the catapults with kids!

Gretchen K, Gemma B, Jeremy B, Michael A, Cas, Willow, Kim N. and her kiddos for their great salesmanship and networking efforts!

Matthew C. and Dean D. for making sure no one else’s tent blew away on Saturday and Sunday! As well as everyone that helped during setup and tear down!

I also wanted to put a special thank you to Michael A. and Kim N. for adding to the interactivity with kids this year with their mini-quests and not-a-mimic box!