Hello! I thought I’d update on the activity for the 1st half of this week.
On Monday we had a few people out working in classroom number one. Thank you to Steve Owens and Jeffrey Sawyer for starting the process of cutting up the old sound stage and pulling up carpet. They started taking the 1st section of sheet rock down on that East wall.
Jai and I met with another architectural engineer and went through the scope of work and are waiting for a proposal from him.
Sheldon came out and we consulted with him about the dust collection system in the wood shops.
Kathy was working at booth on Monday as usual performing many tasks.
Jai and I spent some time prepping for Tuesday.
Tuesday evening, we had a great turnout. Thank you to each and every one of you.
We worked again in Room one removed the sheet rock and the insulation. Pulled up more carpet.
Both men’s and women’s bathrooms in the south hall received the final coat of epoxy. As well as the 2 alcoves. Thanks to Wallis, Kip, Ian and Mark.
Roy, Fox and Tom worked on door frames for the south hall bathrooms.
Gary worked on windows.
Ladeana and Barb brain stormed outreach supply storage, curtains and closet doors. Barb spent time sorting fabric.
Sam was working on refinishing the woodwork in the North entry.
David and Wes cut shelving for the closet after finishing work in room 1.
Cathy worked on walls.and clearing the screen print shop.
Tom worked on the badge reader system.
Dean came out and worked.
Brad continues to work on the concrete and tile.
On Wednesday,
Steve, Doug, Wes , Cathy and Tom loaded/filled Wes’ 16’ trailer with debris. Thanks for taking it to the dump Wes
Cathy and Steve O. worked on reinstalling the ceing lights in room 1
Cathy and I sorted fabric and worked to strip the woodwork in the N. entrance
Cathy painted.
Joe worked on the door closer on the west entry.
I know I missed tasks and volunteers. Please feel free to add them!


Every hour you put in at Booth is important and moving us forward. Thanks to you the building has transformed over the last few weeks. Wednesday June 24th a group of our members got together to move and dump trash. I am sorry to report that one of those members has since tested positive for CoVid-19. This is a moment for us to redouble our efforts to stay safe. Starting today all MakeICT members coming to the building to work must wear masks when they are inside the building. I will place a box of paper masks near the entrance of the building so don’t worry if you don’t have one or forget yours at home.


What things are needed for our space that could be designed at home. A few things that come to my mind :: A mobile vinyl cart/holder for the fab lab, Activity/supplies/directions for our youth and adult boxes for room 3, interactive STEAM games for our youth corner in the lounge. What comes to your mind?


I have parts cut for mask at home and an instruction packet. There are scrunchies cut and instructions in textiles. Wiki updates can happen from home.


I’ll be there tomorrow.


Planned on coming tonight, but our dog just died so I have to take care of that, sorry.

I intend to come work tonight. Will there be anyone there at 6:00pm to instruct?


I’m sorry to hear of your loss. Losing a companion is always tough. I wish you the best.

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I will be there at 6pm.


Will they be working on coverings for the windows? I possibly could help with that or anything that doesn’t require a lot of walking. I want to help!!!

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@barb, did you have a chance to make your mock ups? What are your thoughts?


Thank you, I should be at remakeict next week


One of the fellows at Tuesday brought in an example of a quilt his wife made with a board sewn in the top (very thin) with a number of magnets in it. That has the advantage of being able to remove the board for washing.


That was one of the ideas Barb was kicking around. How did it look? It sounds promising!

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It looked pretty easy and pretty neat really. Just make a tunnel to slide it into on the back and slide a thin strip of wood in with holes drilled part way through and magnets glued in. Probably want to experiment with wood depth, magnet strength and if we want I just on top or on both top and bottom. Washing should be a piece of cake.

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Sounds like the curtains my sister has in her garage to cover things that are stored. Are the coverings from Douglas still on the table to use? Are these wanting to be opened on regular basis or just sometimes? May have a few ideas.

So Ladeana, what Im understanding is we’d remove the wood with the attached magnets when we wanted to launder them. I like that option!
Angel, We’ll want to be able to open them. And yes the Douglas curtains are available for re-purpose. We also have some other fabric that was donated. We’ll need to calculate our needs.


Yes. The magnets could be removed for laundering. I liked that option much better. Plus if you wind up having to replace them, you can still use the magnets/wood.


Can’t make tonight, sorry.

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Hello All!
7.7.20 Another productive RE-MAKEICT Tuesday.
-Steve Saner and Nick Clupny hung grab bars and paper towel dispensers in the front bathrooms. Steve worked on the shelving in room 3.
-Tom McGraw worked in room #5 prepping closet for shelving.
-Steve Owen worked on the North entry, and cleaned paper towel dispensers.
-Sam continues to work on North entry.
-Eric White fitting wood top on rolling work table for room 3.
-Roy continuing work on bathroom doors.
-Wallis working on windows in room 1
-Terry King stopped in to pick a few tasks to come back and work on.
-Ladeana photographed the last straggler auction items to rehome and is putting a list of classes to offer together.
Thank you to each of you for your time, energy and expertise helping us move toward opening!