Project Night Revival ... Or What


Here’s the thread for it, with some useful links: CNC Lathe (EMCO PC TURN 50) LinuxCNC rebuild (and lots of extra information which may or may not be useful to people.)

The next meeting (I’ll get it on the calendar) is Wednesday 7-ish. The more people who understand how it’s setup, the better! So when we non-machinists do something wrong, more people can fix it. :wink:

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Was this ever revived? Just curious. Have a ShopBot project I’d love some help with.

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Yes, we have talked about it a little more, I just haven’t got around to posting something. Or current thinking is to move it to Thursday nights from 7-9. We are looking into having it focus more on different software to give everyone an opportunity to be exposed to what they would like to learn. We are thinking of doing it more of a lecture/demo environment with maybe 1 week geared towards the beginner level.

We clearly need to think about how to setup an opportunity for those who need help to get it, maybe setup something so that if you are planning on coming in, you post so we make sure we have someone available for the software/machine that you need assistance with.

I haven’t put anything on the calendar yet, but we were thinking about having an organizational meeting, maybe in 2 weeks.

As for your ShopBot project, what are you needing help with? Maybe we can get you going sooner.

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Sounds good. @SeanReed also reached out about my ShopBot project.

I’ve got the design created in Easel…just need help with everything after that! lol. I took the authorization course, but it’s been two years and I just can’t remember the steps.

I added the event to the calendar. It is currently setup for Aug 26 from 6:30 - 7:30 in Classroom 3.

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Doh! I’ll be out of town. I’ll catch the next one! Thanks for coordinating this.