A lot of research has gone on, but it sounds like even though we would need a sign maker to make the actual sign and take care of permitting, we would still have artistic free reign over the monument that the sign sits on (within reason of safety and maintainability).
There’s been a lot of coordination with the city on this project already to make sure things are clear and understood. Sherry and I have been the ones talking with people in the appropriate offices of city hall. If you have a question, please remember to be patient and ask either Sherry or myself first since there’s a good chance we have looked into the issue you are concerned with.
The bulk of the requirements comes from the Kansas Code of Ordinances: Title 24 - Billboards and Signs, but there is also input needed from Wichita Public Works and Utilities (PWU) and the Wichita Metropolitan Area Building and Construction Department (MABCD). The Title 24 is more concerned about the sign itself and not what the sign sits on / hangs off of. The PWU designates where the sign should go in regards to road safety, and the MABCD decides if the design of the sign and monument is safe before construction can begin.
Link to Wichita, Kansas Code of Ordinances: Title 24 - Billboards and Signs
The city highly suggests we place the monument somewhere near the blue circled area on the image below.
From December 15th 2022 meeting minutes:
*A sign company will need to make the portion of the sign that says ‘MakeICT’ as well as take care of the permitting
*The only part of the sign that is considered the sign is the text that says ‘MakeICT’. We can create almost anything in addition to that text.
*Sign companies can have troubles with adhering a vinyl sign in cold weather
*4’x12.5’ sign quotes from sign companies have been >$2500. This would cover both sides of the existing sign.
*2’ tall, 8’ wide, single sided sign could be closer to $500 if the sign can be printed in their shop and installed by the membership (this size is a rough idea to get a ballpark on pricing)
*We can make the monument that the sign sits on
*Need designs and to figure out budget
*How much the permit for the sign would cost is based off of a basic fee of $25 with an added $6 per 10 square feet (rounded up) for the permit of the sign (so a 2ft x 8ft double sided sign would be considered 32sq ft and be charged $25 + 4x$6 = $49)
*The sign can be solar powered, but electrifying the sign with 110v or any kind of mains power would result in a yearly permit charge
The TLDR Version:
We need someone to draw up a nifty looking podium that we can put a commercially made sign on.