June 23rd - Annual Membership Meeting

Hello all, coming up this Sunday is our Annual Membership Meeting and our Magnificent Soiree, a party sandwiched around the annual meeting. The party will start at 1, then food will be served right before the meeting starts at 4. Once the meeting is done, we can move into the party once more and go until 8 or you want to conclude your evening.

The event is BYOB, but drink responsibly and let someone know that you need a ride if you can’t drive yourself home, and do not enter the work hall while intoxicated for safety reasons. @BillOden and I will be picking up BBQ stuff (including some BeyondBurgers) and a few sides on Saturday so we can have everything at the space ready for Sunday. If you would like to contribute any sides or desserts, that would be lovely!

The party festivites include a waterballoon toss, raffles with amazing prizes, and some good ol’ pie-in-the-face fundraising for willing participants! (Remember to bring cash! We will have change if you need it and all funds go into the AC fund!) Indoors there will be board games and options for those who would rather not be out in the heat, so please do attend as there is something for every member of every kind we have at MakeICT :heart:

If you and your family can attend, please reply below so we can get at least a base number by this Saturday to know how much food to buy! Hope to see you all there! I wanted to at least let the last event I did as Events Lead be for all of you in membership so let’s make it a great one to have fun together, thank the current Board for all their hard work and efforts, and to hear from some of the candidates who are looking to be on our new Board!


If you would like to see what the raffle prizes are, Serena is explaining them all within this thread!

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My RSVP is +3 for me, my husband, and my daughter. (Also I’m making candied watermelon rinds for the first time, but this seems to make A LOT so I’ll bring some!)

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Just me coming at this time. Possibly +1 depending on my niece’s work schedule.


we’re out of town. I am so sad to miss it, it sounds awesome!


Count me in for the membership meeting and thank you!
Gene White


Put us down for 2, plz.


Im going to say me +2 but the 2 might be flakey.

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Me +0

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I will try to be there

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Myself and +1

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Reminder for everyone to bring cash for the pies and the raffles!!! We will have change for you if you need it, and all money will go to the AC fund!!! :sunny::wind_face:


Count me in!


Thank you to everyone who came to the party and meeting today, those who helped me set it up, those who stepped into a possible Board position (be sure to vote for these amazing candidates!), and those who offer up a helping hand from the previous Board. I know many of them are timing out, so please, if you see them in the hallway, give them a thank you for all their hard work this past year and beforehand. We really do hope to maintain the consistency and momentum we have all built as a membership together this past year moving into the new terms for our new Board members, whoever they end up being. It’s so encouraging seeing so many newer members step up with a vigor and willingness to help this year be full of making and all the fun that comes with it. Be sure to vote by the 25th! Best wishes for the incoming Board, I will do whatever I can to support you in your commitment to MakeICT.

PS, because I am stepping down from the Events Committee position, if you’d like to step into the role, send me a message and I can give you the benefit of my experience. The first lesson being: When you need to reorient your life, simply communicate when you do and people will work with you to alleviate your issue in any way they can. That has been my experience and I’m grateful for the breathing room others have afforded me.

~Tricia Cortes, Now Former Events Lead