ICT Comic Con (3/5-3/6) and Renaissance Fair (4/9-4/10) Volunteer Event Planning

We are within ear shot of the main stage. Which is kind of cool that we’ll get to listen to Dean Cain, but at 2pm today and tomorrow is a painting session with a certified Bob Ross painter!

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Thanks, and thanks for the info. I have no idea what price to try and sell the creatures for, so will try to figure that out…and hey, I could make some dragons too. :grinning:


An update, I will be unavailable on the Sat of the Ren fair as I’ll be a head ref at a robotics event in Tulsa. Happy to help with set up and probably take a shift on Sunday as well.

This means whatever we do for mini-siege weapons needs to be operable by somebody other than me.

List of things I need to finalize for mini-siege weapons:

  1. Non-marshmallow projectile (needs to weigh more than 5g, ideally around 10g. Should be easy to
    clean up and not harmful if user gets in the line of fire) open for any ideas there
  2. A design that relies much less on hardboard thickness having good tolerances. It doesn’t. The
    engineer in me was designing for “perfect” materials last year and that didn’t pan out.
  3. If we keep the “build your own and keep it” idea, we need stickers or some kind of printing that we
    can apply more quickly than lasering text on the side. That looked great but added about 15mins to
    each in laser time.

Down to help with Ren Faire. Probably won’t dress up tho. I hate dealing the “well actually” people.

Saturday works.

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I just tell them its from one of the parallel universe episodes. And they typically leave me alone.

Don’t let gatekeepers win. In fact sometimes I pick something that looks cool and carry it so that someone geeks out about it and all is cool. If they gatekeepers, I pretend I don’t know what they are talking about.

Had a guy convinced for six months that I had never heard of star wars before.

I had a feeling this would pop up.

My ex-husband use to feel the same way James. Until one of his drunk angry friends poured mead on me for arguing that yes, black folks were present in 16th century England and no, they weren’t all slaves. History is a white wash. It’s not fun for me if I’m explaining that to folks the entire time I’m there.

Trust me, I’m good.


Well I don’t think they had chocolate covered bananas either, but that dude sounds like he doesn’t need to chew when he eats one.

Whatever you wear, hope you have fun.

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There’s a different, there shouldn’t be but there is.

Can you please tag Richard? I’m not sure how to contact him with ren fair questions. Or is it too late?

Darn I left the rubber chickens on the livingroom sewing table!

They are in I’ll try to remember to bring them this week!


For those interested in helping with the Renaissance Faire this weekend -

Let’s meet up tomorrow (Tuesday 4/5/22) in classroom 3 around 6pm to tag up and see what help is needed, who is available, as well as to make sure expectations are clear (there is a liability form for during the event).

  1. Weather permitting - we will be firing the ballista on both Saturday and Sunday
  2. Help with setup and tear down tends to be where the most help is needed (there are a few out of state vendors who greatly appreciated our help last time)
  3. I want to make sure you all have the opportunity to do what you really want to at the fair.

Also, for anyone interested in a very basic intro to black smithing, I’ll be down at the Haysville blacksmith shop making tent stakes around 6pm with some pretty amazing blacksmiths.

Yearly membership is $20 out there, and another $3/night to fire up their forges.



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Sorry, yes, tonight.

Central States Metal Artisans
200 S Main St, Haysville, KS 67060

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I feel like I’m spamming this…

They officially announced that MakeICT will be firing siege weapons at the great plains Renaissance festival.


No preassure.

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I still want to help with the Ren Faire, and I plan to be there on the 9th and the 10th, but I won’t be able to make the meeting tomorrow. Is there anything I need to know before I show up?

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The big thing is that vendors and actors are asked not to drink from start of fair Saturday to close on Sunday.

If you have garb for the event, awesome, if not, it’s still cool to wear a MakeICT shirt.

I still have a couple tasks on my plate to complete for the weekend, but I think we are in decent shape for the weekend (other than coming up with a 14 1/2ft pole for the center of the tent)

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I’m assuming that means while at their booth/“on duty”?

it’s still cool to wear a MakeICT shirt

Its always cool to wear a MakeICT shirt.