The technical/formal/insurance answer is ‘anywhere from Friday night to close ofnSunday’…
Again, that is the technical/formal/insurance answer aimed to help keep the image of GPRF as a family friendly environment… And yes, there are police officers (not security guards) that will be out helping this weekend with the patrons that decide to be less than family friendly.
People that will be available to help Friday (meet up at Sedgewick County Park around 10am)
-Gretchen (about noon)
People planning to be there Saturday (meetup around 9am, will need cars off the fair grounds by 9:30)
-Gretchen (partial)
People for Sunday:
-Gretchen (partial day)
-Brad (with notice for tear down)
I’ll need to remember to grab the following for Friday (unless someone wants to bring some of the following)
-tent (we’ll use the 10x20 that was used for Riverfest in the past since the 20x20 might take too much work)
-water (recommend 1 gallon per person per day)
-painter tarp (for flooring, looking at 9x12 from Harbor Freigth)
-business cards
-table display pieces
-table covers (may have to find some)
We haven’t got the tent up yet because we don’t have enough people to raise it. Anyone who can come out to Sedgewick Co. park to help… we would really appreciate it. (We are currently only three me Brad and Rustin)
I just wanted to put out there what a fantastic group of volunteers we had this weekend for the Renaissance Fair! I am very proud to have been a part of such a great group of folks.
Extra congratulations to the crafters of our kick-a** award winning ballista! You all did us proud!