At least you made it in time for polyester leisure suits.
The listing for these on Amazon says they are suitable for use on yachts. You know how hard it is to find a good yacht switch?
Did frank just win? I was enjoying this.
No I haven’t said my piece. Why don’t we get the switches like on ceiling fans and run plumber chain around the room. You just pull the chain to turn
it on and off.
Move all of the equipment to where it touches the dust collector. Then we just need one switch.
We could move it all outside and then just allow operation on really windy days
Might be hard to find volunteers to come stand with umbrellas over at all when it rains though
Ban rain on makerspace property. Or we could get remote controls, and…uh, never mind.
Wait the one switch idea has merit
We just need a series of gears levers and pulleys to be able to flip the switch from anywhere in the room.
Here it is in falstad. Keep in mind time is slower in falstad so you have to wait for the cap to hit 13-14v before you can button push again.
$ 1 0.000005 49.687244006919805 50 5 43 5e-11
f 352 240 416 240 33 1.5 0.02
t 416 432 384 432 0 1 -14.994866943433088 0.00513275439874139 100 default
r 240 256 240 320 0 10000
r 320 272 320 320 0 10000
r 160 368 240 368 0 1000000
r 416 432 416 368 0 100000
r 480 416 480 352 0 10000
c 160 368 160 416 0 3.3e-7 0.19685667472803295 0.001
s 160 272 160 304 0 1 true
w 416 368 416 256 0
w 480 352 480 256 0
w 480 256 416 256 0
g 480 544 480 560 0 0
w 480 416 480 544 0
w 384 448 384 544 0
w 384 544 480 544 0
w 352 240 320 240 0
w 320 240 320 272 0
w 320 320 320 416 0
w 320 416 384 416 0
w 240 368 416 368 0
w 160 304 160 368 0
w 160 416 160 544 0
w 160 544 384 544 0
w 240 208 240 256 0
w 240 320 320 320 0
w 416 224 416 176 0
w 416 176 240 176 0
w 240 176 240 208 0
w 320 240 160 240 0
w 160 240 160 272 0
R 240 176 240 144 0 0 40 15 0 0 0.5
Is that link long enough?
In case it is… here ya go
We’re overthinking it… plug it into ‘The Clapper’. If you don’t have enough hands to clap then it also serves as a safety authorization for operation. Just solved two problems.
plug it into ‘The Clapper’. If you don’t have enough hands to clap then it also serves as a safety authorization for operation.
If that suggestion doesn’t get a round of applause, I don’t know what will!
smacks forehead
dust collection comes on
Actually with a condenser mic and a transistor or two we can add that to the design.
Well, in that case, can we make it so that it only comes on if you clap the right song?
Why can’t that slacker Alexa get involved - she keeps offering to do things around the house…