Testing continues - Curt & Tracy’s sign hasn’t fallen down, so I put up a bunch more this weekend.
I would really like it if more people would fill out the “donor wall submission form” on our donate page, just to support what’s going on. Even if you haven’t donated yet, you can pledge to and I can work on a sign. Or if you want to make your own sign that would be even cooler!
If a donor wanted their sign to have a phrase or quote (instead of their name), would that be allowed? Obviously it would need to be an appropriate phrase and subject to approval, but is the option even on the table?
I’m cool with quotes. Malissa’s is kind of a lot of words for a little sign and are there any copywrite conflicts on something like that? but we’ll do what we can.
I’m gonna play devil’ advocate on this and suggest that it’s more trouble than it’s worth to allow phrases.
Some questions that arise:
Who determines what is allowed?
What is their review process?
Can a decision be appealed?
What if their decision to allow or deny is contrary to the popular opinion?
You’re overthinking it. These questions are simple:
Whoever is making these signs
Read the quote
With regards to appeals, petitions, etc, that’s all “cross the bridge when you get there” type of stuff. Bridges that will likely never occur. This is really small potatoes stuff, not something to lose sleep over. If it ever does happen that someone’s quote is denied and they’re all butthurt about it, let them have their donation back. Nbd.
Are you saying superglue the Velcro straight to the wall?
I really keep thinking if I do nothing for long enough somebody else will take over the project but dang, still no luck.
Also… when I had signs hung up, nobody else was motivated to donate. People got randomly excited about a “your name on a hexagon” fundraiser idea. So that made me feel like I’m going the wrong way with my signs entirely… it’s hard for my motivation to go LOWER on this project but it somehow took me down yet another notch so I just stopped doing things and spent the summer not caring as they gradually fell off the wall. It was great, honestly.
FYI industrial Velcro doesn’t work. Actual brand name command adhesive seems to… but that raises the price to like $4 per sign we hang up so I don’t know if it’s the right move. I’m definitely tired of wasting my own money on this project.
No! Put blue tape on the wall… and put blue tape on a plaque… then superglue the blue tape back-to-back together… no velcro!
I’ve always been interested in the Donor Wall, but each time I brought up helping with it I was told that someone was already handling it. Guess they meant you!
EDIT: What I’m saying here is I think your efforts on a Donor Wall are, and have been, worthwhile and I’m happy to help if I can!
Yeah, I was undervthe (obviously wrong) impression that you were super protective of the donor wall program…
Also, Star donated $6,000 in lumber to the garden and has needed a sign for 2 and a half years
oh gosh… there aren’t many volunteer activities I do at makeict that I’m protective of. I tend to be thrilled when people try to take any job that I’ve somehow gotten sucked in to!
I originally volunteered to make signs. I thought someone else would hang them up, just from a division of labor standpoint. but years went by and nobody wanted to do that so after many discussions and requests I thought “how hard can it be?” that was a mistake.
I probably should have just bought masonry bits and drilled 500 holes into the wall. I kept hoping to avoid that, I kept being disappointed.
facilities told me to hang plywood to drill in to, but then told me I’d have to guess a paint color and buy it myself, plus find plywood (I drive a hatchback)… etc. little roadblocks discourage me.
@bradcozine I’ve always wondered how well the Blue Tape hack would work, so I’d be interested in seeing the results of your trials with it. In my mind, it may work well for temporarily holding some things together if not too much sideways pressure is put on it. But it seems that it all depends on how well the blue tape holds to the surface it’s stuck to. I have no doubt the two pieces of tape would stay together with the glue, but will the tape hold to the wall, or other surfaces since that tape is intended to be used as a temporary masking. Hopefully it works better than I imagine.
@DanS well, why don’t we do some trials of different tapes together?!
I say “Blue Tape” because that’s typically what you’ll find regarding the technique titled under… but I believe Frog Tape sticks a bit better while also not leaving residue after removal.
Yes, I agree that the “Blue Tape” thing actually implies different types of tape, or really, any temporary tape. I’m not really aware of many tapes that might be best for anything except temporary use other than the types that are used for holding trim or other things onto vehicles. But perhaps that would be something to look into. And even then, if they aren’t mounted properly, they can fail.
What did you have in mind for doing those trials? I don’t make it up to the space often because I live so far away. But I can get up there if I know a day or two ahead. Weekday evenings are best for me. I’m usually busier on weekends with personal stuff and not always free to do things then.
Do you know how much weight this is intended to hold up, and what kind of materials? My biggest concern is trying to adhere tape to the concrete block walls. But I guess that would be part of the trial, to check how well and how long it would hold, and how much weight it would hold.
I get the feeling it’s good enough under fairly ideal surface conditions… which, of course, block is not… and block to block doubly not. I mean people use it to hold materials while CNC milling which has a bunch of lateral force.
It’s sure worth a try to see what we could come up with. Another question is how long will the tape hold? Will it give up after a few weeks or months? Lots of questions, I know. LOL
I have some stuff going on this week and the following week, Thanksgiving week, I’ll be busy pretty much all week. Maybe we could get together at MakeICT the week after Thanksgiving on one of the evenings through the week, Monday through Thursday?