@kim and I began hanging the donor signs this morning. If you or anyone you know has donated $150+ and doesn’t have a sign yet (Gary Tanner, Curt Gridley, Tracy Hoover and Kenton Hanson all have signs we ran out of velcro for), fill out the form on
Sherry thank you SO MUCH for getting me past the mental block on these signs! It feels great to have some posted up!
Tasks for me this spring:
- Get more velcro, hang up the last three signs that are already made
- Print out a simple sign with a QR code for folks to get their names on the donor wall!
- Make a “thank you for being our donors” sign so people know what the heck this wall is about
- Make more signs! I owe Eagle Metal Products, LLC a sign, and I bet more will come in!
For $150 you get a little sign with your name on it, for $2000 you get a BIG sign with your name on it, and there are levels in between. Lots of room on the wall! If you already donated, give me some details, I do not want anybody looking at the wall and saying “hey I donated, where’s my sign?” You must donate and REQUEST a sign to get one, got it?
And if you fit the dimensions, sure you can make your own sign, I’ll hang it up, just keep it lightweight k?
Great job Kim, the wall looks good.
There were a great many donations made during the renovation of the new building.
I believe they’re recorded in Wild Apricot, more likely they’re in the tax records for 2020 and 2021 or is this wall only for current donations, like the plaques are rotated annually?
I believe PowderTech, LLC donated all of the powder coating material, it was worth at least $2,000. Though @rustin.atkeisson would know more.
Again, glad you got the wall up.
Thanks Jai!
I need to catch up one the other folks who’ve filled out the “donor wall submission form” - there have been several entries over the years so I know people found it, it’s been on the donation page the whole time, I just hadn’t gotten to hanging up signs yet.
AFTER THAT, who would be the best person to help go through those financial records and reach out to people? Tell them the wall is started but we need them to request a sign in order to get a sign?
If anyone is reading this and wondering where your sign is, make sure you fill out the form. If you’re not sure if you filled it out or you’re wondering about the status of your sign, post here or message me.
Maybe this should be subject of new topic.
Maybe it should not be mentioned at all.
Someone will scold me if it should, no doubt.
Monetary donations are appreciated and needed desperately. That’s all well and good.
No offense, monetary donations can be lazy.
Time for some has far more value. It’s can be harder to come up with and part with.
Does MakeICT recognize members that “donate” hours of personal time to MakeICT in different areas outside of personal use of the facility?
I’m talking permanent, like a wall. Not the usual “Hey, thanks”.
We have a system for folks to report it, and the hours are automatically added to a spreadsheet. However, hardly anyone fills it out at present. We’d like them to, and if we had a remotely accurate count it could result in more grant opportunities for us. I have new signs made up to replace the old ones. A recognition system would be GREAT, it would just need developed and supported.
You’re cool Bill… if you said “dang it Kim, you should NOT be wasting time on this donor wall when we should be recognizing volunteers!” then I’d scold you. That used to happen to me a lot at this space, especially when I was in leadership, and it kinda made me run away from volunteering for… well… four years? I think we’re better now.
Suggesting a new idea on the side for somebody else is a good thing. Maybe they could go through all the board minutes from the year, grab all the names who ever made the “thank you” list, and put them on a sign on another wall? Or maybe each area could have signs that document the history of the area group leads, assistants, best volunteers? That’d be cool… lots of options! Sherry is right though, volunteer hours are a lot harder to measure than money, and it’s harder for new people/outsiders to figure out how to be “wall-worthy”… if you disagree with me, try organizing simple tasks for volunteer events here, omg.
3 people signed up to clean before the Maker Market and I had more people than task. Thank goodness I know there’s always fabric to be folded.
Combing the minutes of past meetings for our financial donors is a great idea.
I noticed that David fell off the wall. Looks like the tape may not be strong enough to hold it, or maybe the wall was just not clean enough. But his panel is sitting on the table under the alarm panel.
I noticed someone put David back, thanks! I’ll try to pay closer attention to this thread to make sure this isn’t a trend.
Today I put up Kenton Hanson, Alex Thomas, Eagle Metal Products and I finally made an OLD sign from my archives from our laser cutter fundraising efforts in 2018
Nice work!
This might be a can of worms, but should we put signs up for other fundraising projects? Like the original build of the cnc plasma cutter? Last woodshop fundraiser? Retrofit of the cnc plasma cutter fundraiser?
Yes, can of worms. Better start making smaller signs unless that is all you want on the walls
I’m down to make any sign if somebody rounds up the names for me! I’m sad we haven’t had more people fill out the sign request form I linked to earlier in this thread. I thought getting the wall started would bring the waves. I put up that QR code on the wall too, nobody used it.
And remember if anybody donated $150 to those things they could get their own sign I just need them to fill out the form.
Apparently Velcro isn’t working.
I desperately need help on this project. Facilities recommended cutting and painting plywood sheets to line the wall first so we can drill signs into the plywood. But I don’t have the strength, paint, drill bits, time or… anything to make it happen.
Since I’m busy making signs would anyone else volunteer to make me a surface I can drill into?
From what I saw, I don’t think you’re using the correct Velcro. You need an outdoor or industrial Velcro. Outdoor Velcro
Options for attaching things to cinder block walls:8 Ways to Attach Things to Cinder Block Walls.
Consider reducing the weight of donor signs by making much smaller and uniform in size.
Should improve the chances of staying in place regardless of adhesion method.
I’m going to try @Malissa’s industrial Velcro suggestion. Thanks!
I hung up Curt & Tracy’s sign up today with industrial Velcro. Testing begins!