2022 Growing Season!

Oh please keep me in the loop for this! I’ll do my best to mage time. I have access to a few starter plants and such through my greenhouse job, I’d love to help.


Yuck. Did you find lots of cat poop? I was rooting around the beds and didn’t notice any smell. I had a cat peeing in one of my flower beds one time and the smell was STRONG. So, maybe it was just a passerby and not a bigger issue? Hopefully. I’m not opposed to your idea tho! Thanks for working on stuff. I was going to stay longer, but that wind/dust really was making me miserable.

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No, just a small dried spot, but it did concern me.

I did see a few turnips that were harvested on the table. Are those up for grabs

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Just wanted to share that our garden can officially be seen from space!


Here’s a planning map I created today. It’s just a mock up and I’m open to ideas. I think it would be fun to do a cucumber/melon trellis tunnel connecting two of the communal beds.

Also, I think we should do another year of communal gardening. I haven’t received much feedback about rental plots and I’ve got a baby on the way, so managing it might be difficult. I’m open to ideas.


Checking in for the season. It’s been a busy winter for me, but I’m ready to get out there and get to work.


Thanks, Shaun. Let’s all plan to meet next Saturday, March 19. I’m open for times. We can have a brainstorming session and hopefully it will be nice and warm.

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I was contacted by a worm farmer after posting about our community garden in the Kansas Gardeners Facebook page and he just gave us two big bags of beautiful worm poop!! This stuff is black gold. A little goes a long way. This will be awesome for our raised beds.

@Malissa - can you rip these photos and give them a shout out on Facebook for their donation?

You could just mention we’re starting up our second season and we already got a great donation of worm castings from Erik White at 316 Organics.



Posted but couldn’t find his page so couldn’t tag them.

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I couldn’t find it either. No worries. Thanks for posting.


I love his dirt! It’s the secret to most of my plant rescues! :black_heart:


I scrolled back for a bit and didn’t see anything, was a time choosen for the garden meeting in 03/19?

If not, to avoid a Midwest standoff, I’m putting 3pm out there.

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I’d be more inclined to get there a little earlier. Maybe 1?

What time works for everyone? We really need to meet in person and starting planning together.


I was given some golden brown cotton seed. If we would like to try that. I will be at the space Saturday 9;30-3


That would be cool! How awesome would it be to eventually turn into a textile?


If we have any interest we can grow our own dye stuff

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Works for me. :slight_smile:

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Reminder request if it’s okay: Please remind me to bring my 5 gallon water jug for the garden area.

I was reminded sitting in the sun for two hours with no water causes headaches. :sweat_smile:


It felt great to get that sunshine! Also i no longer look like an elmers glue stick, so thats a plus