Zero-to-General Amateur Radio Class

The “Amateur Radio ‘Jump-Start’ Class” will start on February 22nd

To register go to: MakeICT - Amateur Radio "Jump-Start" Class (Zero-to-General)

The class is appropriate for any student who can handle several hours of classroom instruction at any age.

This class will take students from no license to the “General Class” license in 2 weekends. The General Class license is the most useful of all the Amateur Radio Licenses. It gets the holder privileges across all the available spectrum using Voice and Data.

The schedule is: Saturdays; 9AM-5PM, Sundays Noon-5PM. We will be providing testing at the end of the day on the 2nd Sunday. (Testing is free.)

The course will cover all the topics necessary to pass both the Technician Class, and General Class exams, but will be beneficial to those who want to upgrade their existing Technician licenses to General, or those who just want to take the first step into the Technician license.

The course fee will be $45 for MakeICT Members and $50 for non-members, additionally there will be a textbook that students will purchase on their own. Other materials will be provided, as needed.

The textbook can be purchased from Amazon. Here’s a link to it: Ham Radio School General License Course 2023-2027: Turner, Stu: 9798393884819: Books

There is no Morse Code requirement for any Amateur Radio license, and you do not have to own any equipment to take the classes.

The class will be taught by a very experienced and registered Amateur Radio Instructor who is a MakeICT member with assistance from other licensed operators and follows in the footsteps of our great success with other Amateur Radio courses taught at MakeICT by this team.

Come join us for this highly educational program and earn the most useful Amateur Radio License.


We have 11 of the 25 seats filled at this point. There’s about 6 weeks left before the class starts.

It’s going to be a good one. If you’ve EVER considered getting a Ham Radio license, along with which goes the ability to talk to people all over the world, thi is your chance…


We’re now down to 8 seats left in the Zero-to-General Amateur Radio Class. If you’re considering taking the class, you will need to sign up and get the text book in the next couple of days.


There’s 1 seat left in the Zero-to-General Amateur Radio class. It’s too late to get the text book before the class, but I have one I can loan to someone if they want that seat.

If you’re interested contact me