Youth Horizons Lego Event

Hi everyone,
We had a meeting yesterday with Tim from Youth Horizons and talked more about helping out with their Lego event. We know have a better plan on what they were looking for and should have plans on starting building the track soon. We are still looking from someone from the wood shop to help out with the wood work required to build the project. If anyone is interested in working with the Arduino, we will begin meeting during the Arduino project meeting during Tuesdays. If anyone else is interested in helping out, let us know.

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Thanks for stepping up to lead this Caleb! It looks super fun!

Do you have some planned work dates I can post on the calendar and create a FB event like we did for the Magic Wheelchair build? I will also shre this thread as a FB post hopefully that will help.

How did this go? I haven’t heard anything.

I had the coding and circuitry done for the track but I was unfortunately unable to get the track built and finished by the time that they had the event. I had constant contact with Youth Horizions and they were able to have another event to take the place of the lego race event. I had told them also that I still had plans to finish the track at some point and if they had any interest in using it for any other event to get in touch with me.

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