Won't be at the space on a regular basis for awhile

My husband had a stroke late last Saturday night. It affected his right side. We are headed down a long and winding road, so I won’t be there on a regular basis for awhile. I will try to do some authorizations but am hoping Reyna, Nicole, Brian and/or our other regular quilters can help our newer users. Thanks to all.


I am very sorry that happened. :pensive: :heart:


Best wishes to a speedy recovery!


Sad to hear. Hope for a speedy and stress free recovery with a good support system.

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So sorry to hear this June :pensive:

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I am so sorry :frowning: I hope you’re doing okay and I wish your husband a speedy and easy recovery

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My thought are with you and your husband June. Wishing you strength.

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I’m so sorry to hear that. I wish you strength and healing.

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Hugs. Strokes are hard… but sometimes completely recoverable over time.

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I’m so sorry to hear this!!! Sending prayers and well wishes your way.

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Im so sorry to hear that. I would be happy to help any new quilters that need assistance.


Oh June, I’m so sorry to hear this. Praying for a speedy recovery. ((Hugs))

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May God wrap his arms around you and your family, in these times of sickness, and hold you tight!


Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!! Prayers for recovery and guidance for you both :two_hearts:

I’m so sorry to see this, June. Take care of both of you.


I hope your husband recovers as quickly and completely as possible.

[Any relation to my old acquaintance - Ben Huie?].

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Yes. There is only one. :smile:

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