Who's interested in taking a 3d printing class?

We’re working to get a class on the calendar and would like to know some dates (and interest) in who might attend.

I have an instructor that’s available next Wednesday and Friday evenings (16th & 18th) or the following weekend (19th & 20th). Please respond if any of these dates work for you. Thanks.

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I’m interested.

For me, I work 8-5 M-F. So 5:30 or after would work most weekdays. Sundays are usually best for weekends but could make most Saturdays work.



A friend of mine is interested, but he’s new-- is an authorization class a prerequisite?

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This class would be the authorization class.


Thanks! I’ll point him to this thread.

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My son and I are very interested. We could go the evenings of the 16th or the 20th, possibly the evening of the 19th. (And thanks @Gretchen for pointing out this post to me!)


@BrianD @JWilson I just added a 3D Printing Basics class on the calendar for August 20th. You can sign up here: http://makeict.wildapricot.org/event-5381156

If this time doesn’t work, let me know and I can schedule one for another week as well.