Where to inquire about if a report will be handled

@mikeb Hi mike, can you send me the info for someone to get ahold of to inquire about the assault and if that person has been removed so that its safe to come to the space? Or are you stating it didnt happen? It seems like you assuming it never happened and id like to clarify.

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send me the info for someone to get ahold of to inquire about the assault[/quote]

Your word choice implies (the assault), that an assault took place. If you have specific knowledge, one might assume you made the appropriate report. If so, you know more about it than I do and I would have to wait for a determination by the proper authorities to be handled and only then would I have any idea of how it was handled.

I was in the space tonight and felt safe. I didn’t hear anything at the Board meeting tonight to indicate that there’s reason to feel otherwise.

I don’t live in the space and wouldn’t presume to know what happened when I wasn’t there. I’m sorry if something I wrote was taken to imply special knowledge about any alleged incident. I’m not in the habit of speculating about the veracity of rumors.

I’d be interested in knowing where and when I misspoke, I believe that I never expressed such an opinion, but I would be happy to correct the record if I did express an opinion about events that I wasn’t present for and haven’t any reason to conduct an unauthorized, personal investigation of.


Im happy you as a older white male feel safe but me as a young female who brings a baby, id like to know the situation has been handled.

Again, im glad you feel safe, im sure the other member did to until they were man handled.

You yourself are getting off topic. I simply asked for who talk to about the subject. Not for a novel to read about everything but


Emailing either directors@makeict.org or security@makeict.org should have been a good first email.

If you beleive someone has been a victim of an assault then you should encourage that individual to file a report with the Wichita Police Department. Information for East Substation can be found at Wichita.gov under Police.

Anytime any member believes they witnesses an assault of a member or anyone WPD should be contacted immediately. Period.

After that members with eyewitness information of the event can use the above emails to report the situation. If for whatever reason that is uncomfortable an anonymous report can be made via CoCs reporting form.

The forum is not a reporting device nor a channel to receive sensative information. The above emails are.


Sorry maybe i miss understood, but didnt the board publicly post the last two members who were permanently banned along with all their allegations?
Whats the difference of this case?

I never once in any message said im reporting a crime, not sure why you men want to mansplain everything to me. I simply asked has the situation been dealt with but since two members of the Cocc have acted like no reports have been made when i have seen copies that were submited i think i already know the anwser to my question. Thanks

So now we want allegations posted before a determination is made? I can’t keep up.


Jesus, im asking if the situation has been handled thats all ive been asking from the beginning and other people keep running with it.

Never once have i asked for their name to be posted. I said a memeber was assaulted by another member, has that member been dealt with from the space?

I don’t really keep up with all the drama on here lately, but you keep referring to the situation. What situation?

not aloud to talk about it, all the posts get removed

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Wouldnt that be called Doxxing? what you just did there which plenty of people have been punished for. Good to see another lead not following the rules. 2nd not my post, nor have a commented on it minus upvoting comments. 3rd you can look at the original poster and pretty easily tell its a man who smokes cigars. Maybe a woman i guess? to each their own.

Good detective skills there . Maybe join security?

Samantha, you were given contact information, so please use it rather than repeating that something happened while providing zero evidence and demanding to know how it was responded to on a public forum. That’s wildly inappropriate and arguably a violation of the code of conduct in itself.


Mentioning that something is already online is not doxxing. You can easily Google the definition, which involves publishing information not already online/publicly online. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy for what you post on Reddit


Doxxing is when you publicly divulge personal details about someone online, not when you point to obvious similarities between to a rant posted here and a rant posted on Reddit using the same verbiage, both within several hours of each other.

Also, the user that posted that is an obvious burner account that was created on July 9th.


@SeanSandefur thank for letting us know about that Reddit post. As my Reddit profile uses my name, I’ve already been doxxed on it yet again. It’s been reported and I’m sure it to will be closed soon. Code of Conduct are in place for a reason. Violating them is not acceptable.

@Smasterson Please follow the instructions give above. You have what you need without continuing drama here.


This topic has strayed from the original posts question after answers were given. I caution all members to review the forum terms of service and FAQ, along with membership responsibilities in the bylaws.