What our parking lot used to look like

This photo is from 2012:

We could actually use that extra building now…


Yup, it would sure be nice if that was still there. Granted, we would have had to do something about parking, but the space would have been nice.

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Do we have an idea of what areas of the land are actually “rocked”, specifically relating to the south lawn?

I like to play around in Google Earth’s desktop application that has the historical imagery, or the county GIS has multiple years of high resolution imagery too. For example, here’s 2006:

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Thanks, I had checked Google Earth for all years available. I hadn’t seen rock on the south lawn in any.

That being said, I was told that a large area of the south was actually rocked, but grown-through with grass. Is it possible that the south was rocked prior to satellite data collection?

That’s my understanding. When the church had the building, the south entrance was regularly used, with cars parking on both sides of the sidewalk leading to the south door. Back in the day I did some metal detecting, and every spot on the south that I dug into the ground, there was a layer of crushed rock. Grab a spade or shovel and take a scoop, and I’d expect you’ll still find it is there, even if it is buried a bit.

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I’ll do a check today! Thanks!

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