What AM I making?

Any guesses?


My guess is a thermostat. As I see an esp8266 hooked up to a relay board, along side what looks to be a converter (though not one I’m familiar with at glance), along with a bme680 (temperature, pressure, humidity, and voc?) or bme688 and a display (ePaper?) for it.

I would imagine running esphome, but could also be Tasmota.

Though it might not be a thermostat, using a relay could actually control whatever. (My mind goes there because I have recently made a similar setup using a bmp280 and most of the rest being similar.)

How close am I?


Mind control transmitter so you can implement your plans to take over the world using cats.


@jameslancaster nailed it, but @pip’s suggestion is more entertaining. I’m replacing an old thermostat, and I figured I’d make the process take 100x longer by building my own. I’m thinking about doing a class once I get all the details worked out if there is any interest. I’m planning to use ESPHome for the firmware, which can run standalone or integrate with other systems.

These are the power supply boards: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHY8J5V6?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

They work with the 24VAC input from the heating system, have a configurable output, and are pretty cheap.

I’m probably going to swap back to an esp32. I’m having trouble getting the display to work on the esp8266, and I don’t think it will have quite enough pins to support all the hardware.