Visual Arts Room Overhaul?

so, the necessary rearrangement of the arts room to complete the roof gave me an idea (and thanks so much to the kind folks who volunteered without prompting to help me scoot it all back - i love you, perhaps someday we will be wed. :melting_face:)
recently, one of the leads brought up the need of an inventory for each room, and i’ve been muddling about in my noggin for the most hassle free way to do that and to get the room up to snuff at the same time - and i think i got it.
inclusive inventory. this means, emptying out the entire room, and purposefully introducing furniture and supplies in a way that heightens both the functionality and the aesthetic of the environs. as things are introduced, they would be added to the inventory. once done, the room would be much more swank, welcoming, and spatially effective.
this being said, when all the furniture is out i should like to do a bit of sweeping, mopping, and painting (like the room). i really want it to be a nice area that shows off the best of what MakeICT could be for those who choose to get involved.
can anyone tell me the best place to relocate undesireable furnishings? i do not wish to inconvienence anyone in their respective areas. hep me plez. God bless.

also, please let it be known this is something i intend to devote myself to this upcoming weekend and that i do not expect aid of any kind.


Yes! Getting rid of the juvenile prison color scheme is beautiful to me!!!
I would talk to @LaDeana, you may be better off keeping everything in room 1 and moving around to do painting >.< The halls do need to be kept predominantly clear for fire code reasons. Also please refer to policy on getting rid of unwanted items using the mysteriously-misomerish three-nerd rule (auctioning in-house, there are a few items for sale at the bulletin board presently).
And, please, try to share the work. It’ll help keep you from suffering burn-out and foster community in the space/introduce people to the changes in effect.
Secular tidings,


so, my main issue is the tables and shelves; they are very haphazard, do not work well with the space, which was left helter skelter, full of the deterious of previous workshops. i wanna build big round tables that would facilitate group behavior and maximize floor space, and provide folks with similar interests the opportunity to collaborate with each other.

i can get some pallet wood. can you help me make circle tables? think like those giant spools for wire, but cut in half, with stubby lil legs and a big ol surface - tables designed for sitting at (i have rugs in mind for underneath - and can make seat cushions in textiles) if you’re down, i think it’ll be very.

but first i need the old tables and shelves to start disappearing. those cafeteria tables would be a great start honestly.
any idea what i could possibly do with those?

I would caution that Visual Arts is only half of that room (North half) and that the south end is still Classroom 1. Keep that in mind in your brainstorming efforts along with if there is a group of members interested in old film photography still or if we should divest ourselves of those items.


i was under the impression that all of the Visual Arts room WAS Classroom One. that’s what the door says anyhow.
i have no intention of getting rid of any photography equipment. i am very interested in giving it a designated space that encourages people to learn how to use it.

@LaDeana @squarenuts any thoughts on all this?

I understand the desire to overhaul space, but you also need to be mindful that while that is the visual arts room, it is still also a classroom that must be available to be utilized as a classroom for other meetings as well. Your tables and space need to be multi functional, and work for the needs of the classroom.


that is the idea

Before you go and make some tables (and I am not opposed to that… because I think we should make things here…) you should be aware that we are able to go “shopping” once a month at the United way warehouse. It does take a while to get an appointment there… but we also have some furniture design-build vs this for the lounge area. If you are really in a big hurry, you could borrow the 4 tables from the back of room 2.
Since the room has two purposes, you could put some inexpensive plastic table cloths (Walmart is a good source here) over the tables for free range art times and then you could scoop up the table cloths, supplies and all into a basket for a quick cleanup for a more “corporate” look (Ha. Like we ever look corporate. :slight_smile: ) A quick unfurling of a table cloth would put you back into “Art mode”.
Round tables would be a better setup of the room for small meetings and we could start to work the calendar to make more of the small meetings there…and. of course any classes that fall under the visual arts label would go there as well.


thank you! that’s all i was getting at. i was not trying to disengage the arts room from other potential uses - i just wanna get rid of clutter and make the room more useful and awesomesauce.
this being said, what’s all this about United Way?
i’m not in a hurry per say - i just wanna be proactive. a little at a time each day goes a lot further than a lot all at once, one time.
the reason i was hoping to build the tables is to give a sense of uniformity and order - Feng Shui as it were.

also, having a hard time parsing this data. what do you mean by this?

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United way is a charitable organization that a lot of corporate giving goes to. They are gifted lots of items from big corporate donors including (sometimes) furniture when the corporation is getting like a new color scheme. Some of it is good, some not so good. Some of our furniture came from there. We have to schedule a time ahead of time which makes it take a while, but as I understand it (and I haven’t actually been there)… we get to look through their warehouse of stuff with two people for 2 hours and pick what we want.
This is probably the link for that Give Items of Value Program


okay. well, i’ll do both.
i’ll make a design for the build-yr-own tables to bring it one step closer to fruition.
and i’ll set up an appt. with United Way. i don’t HAVE to accept anything from them but it couldn’t hurt to browse when i get the chance.

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Added: United Way GIV Program - MakeICT Wiki

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Please refrain from setting up that appointment. This is something that we should go at from the space as a whole, rather than by a single area (or at least let every area in on the possibility each go 'round). I am putting the United Way Warehouse on the Leads and Chairs agenda for Monday Nov. 13th. Please attend!
As far as pallet wood goes, it certainly has it’s place, I’d be happy to look into doing some pallet tables and exploring other options with you.
Happy Making!


gotcha sir!!!

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