So, i recently bought some plexiglass to cover newly painted tables with, and need to cut it into a 4’x4’ circle. Never done before. Plz halp. That stuff was expensive, and ate a lot of the room budget i had saved up. Got one shot at this. Teach me how?
I may be able to help.
I cannot do it until Saturday, however,
I would do it on the shop bot and it is a super easy cad job.
Do not attempt this on the laser as plexiglass is seldomly a safe plastic and it can and will off gas toxic fumes.
Let me know if you are able to wait until Saturday as I am absolutely willing to help you out on this.
Sure man i can wait till Saturday. Thanks!
Acrylic (aka Plexiglas, Lucite, PMMA) is the very first on the list of approved materials for the laser cutters according to the wiki.
Are you thinking of polycarbonate (Lexan)?
Thing is brother, i don’t have a laser cert, so it’s kind of a moot point either way. I’m pretty sure i got name brand plexiglass. But i’m asking on account of my being the opposite of an expert on the matter.
No worries.
I was only trying to correct any misunderstanding about the safety of laser cutting Plexiglas.
Plexi is seldomly just acrylic. Most often it is multiple plastics that are not safe. I am doing plexiglass shopping for a project currently and I am not finding any plexiglass that is acrylic.