Vibratory tumbler

I am looking for recommendations and advice on vibratory tumblers for polishing metal. Any help is appreciated.


I have the one from harbor freight and it has worked well for deburring and removing tool marks. I think most of that style will work about the same. It’s been my experience that the big difference comes with the media you use.

That said, I’ve not actually polished anything in it, yet. I’ve always been led to believe that vibratory tumblers are not the tool for it, but I could be way wrong since the action is the same.


I have some large castings. Around 10 inches in length. Having trouble finding something to accommodate that at a reasonable price

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That’s a big vibratory tumbler. Remember the tumbler has to be big enough for the parts and media to tumble. Would a barrel type do the same job? That would be far less costly I think, whether you buy or build one.

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Rotary will eat away more at the corners and I need everything evenly polished

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Thinking I will have to buy a vibratory tumbler and make drastic modifications to get what I am needing but before I do that I am trying to exhaust all options

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I am building one of these! Its as large as a 55gallom barrel. Ive got it built but havnt attached a motor to it yet. I bought a few from amazon and they were to small.


An 18lb one would probably be perfect if it wasn’t for the stud in the center

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What about a concrete mixer maybe it could be modified

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As a rotary tumbler? Far to big. Rotary tumblers take hard edges down. Vibratory tumblers polish. I require polishing parts about ten inches long

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