Using the jewelry lab kiln

Hi there!
I guess I will just ask this of everyone since my understanding is the jewelry lab is currently without a lead… how do I get authorized to use the kiln? I’ve already been okay’d on the torch. Over the past few months I’ve invested a ton of time looking into the art of enamels, specifically cloisonne. I also have looked into metal clay. (Ive invested my mind as well as my wallet on tools, wires, metals, enamels, several types of clay ect.) So, I have all the things… pretty much with exception of fluxes and pickling supplies… a broad understanding of the subjects … but now I just need to get my hands dirty. Im super ready to get started. Hewp! Help! Hewp!

Thank you in advance,



According to the Jewelry Area wiki page, no specific authorization is required for the kiln… only for the cabbing machine, diamond saws, and centrifugal caster. Additionally, “Metal shop authorization is highly recommended before using the Jewelry Lab, but not required.”

The kiln manual is here:

I’d be interested in trying out some enamels… I do a lot with jewelry design and wouldn’t mind adding that to my bag of tricks.


Aw Sweet! Thanks for that! I know that the lab itself has some enamels but I’m not sure if there is a cost associated with them? Once I become a little more acclimated to this new endeavor i.e. made my color swatches/ figured out how to make actual colors and not just “brown soup” (as Ive read some enamels are wont to do if they are silver adverse or they refuse to get along with certain colors) I’d be happy to share some of my supplies. Ive found some enamels to be WAY expensive so I dont have anything that is too over the top just yet. I figured Id wait until I got a little more familiar with them. They are also crazy confusing depending on what you want to do. I found the books, “The Art of Enameling” by Linda Darty as well as “Engraving and Enameling the art of Champleve” by Phil Barnes to be most helpful. If you have google docs I think I can send you copies of both if you are interested. (No promises, Im not particularly technology savy although I have been successful at sharing books before, so keep your fingers crossed I can do it again if ya want 'em!) You might have to download an app to read them though. (I use Liberia with all of my books I get online. Its condenses them so they dont take up as much space.)

Ill let ya know how it goes!

Thanks Again,


Enameling looks good. I would like to learn with you, what time will work for you, to do this together?

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Sorry! I totally just got this. Um. Usually I come in over nights. I bring my doggie with me in his little stroller. (He has hip dysplacia and also howls like his little heart is breaking if I leave him at home.) But, I can certainly switch my schedule around and have my mom watch him. I’m actually super flexible during the week so hit me with a time, I can probably make it.


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