I just set up a bunch of new ones. Classes that people can sign up for are on this page (but please use the main calendar so you don’t miss committee meetings and other fun events!)
Vinyl Cutting - this Sunday 10/20 or Thursday 11/7
Inkscape - Tuesday 10/22 or Monday 11/11
Laser cutting - Tuesday 10/29 or Thursday 11/14
For the November Inkscape class we’ll make snowflakes, so everyone can learn about snapping, rotation, and hexagonal symmetry! It’s winter, almost, at least it feels like it this morning!
Hi all! Sometimes when I post a bunch of classes at once I like to kick up a thread about it. Welcome to 2025!
Jan 15 - Vinyl cutter
Jan 20 - Laser cutter
Jan 28 - Inkscape - Valentine’s edition!
Feb 3 - Onshape 3D CAD - I haven’t taught a class on this yet but a few of us were talking it’d be good for the space so I’m trying it out. I kept it cheap because you are guinea pigs.
Feb 11 - Laser cutter
MakeICT tends to be a “New Years Resolution” kinda place so my Q1 classes filled up pretty fast last time - let me know if you want to suggest a different date I can take requests.
@Communication here is a facebook event photo we could use for the Inkscape class on the 28th!
I have one person signed up for inkscape class tomorrow. I don’t want to cancel on that person, but I also don’t really want to teach a class of only one… any chance anyone else was thinking of signing up?
I have taken the library course, but a person can never know too much about Inkscape, as popular as it is. I believe Inkscape is the most powerful and most open SVG (vector) editor. So, yes, I signed up, I’ll be there! (Tuesday the 28th, not tomorrow/Monday.)
Also, there’s a long list of extensions to adapt Inkscape to special purposes. There’s Inkstitch (for computer-controlled embroidery), others for laser-cut jigsaw puzzles, laser-cut drawers, knob scales, instrument scales, take a look at the complete list of Inkscape extensions!
oh you’re right it’s Tuesday! Heck I shouldn’t have even posted, people at MakeICT tend to be last minute signer-uppers I never judge a class attendance more than 24 hours in advance. Well anyway, yes I hope it’s educational! Or maybe this on is less popular because it’s valentines themed and that is not a popular holiday among us nerds? I decided years ago to make my valentine’s day a celebration of chocolate and crafts really though - if you can draw a scalloped heart, which we’ll do in class, you’ll have a grasp of paths, snapping, and path effects, all powerful tools.