Tuesday Night Communications Committee MTG

Heya, Make ICT.

Tomorrow night is the Communications Committee meeting and we haven’t been very vocal this year. We are going to try to change that in the coming year.

If you have ideas, or suggestions on how we can help facilitate the communication you would like to see at Make ICT, please join us. If you have an idea for an article you’d like to see in future newsletters, or maybe a recent great photo, or would like to write an article, join us and volunteer. All input and talents are welcome!!!

7pm guys, see ya there! If you’ve got an idea feel free to email any of the links on the Communications Committee page of the wiki.


I can’t be there, laser class, but yay for a communications committee!

Here is Kim’s HOT TAKE for consideration. Newsletters were great in the 1980s. Groups only had so much budget for postage stamps and envelopes, so if you’re doing a mailing cram in all the articles you can. One big thing per month.

We now live in a faster world that loves small bites. I loved the last newsletter - featured maker, monthly letter from the president/VP, a few great photos of what happened in the space - but it would help me if a comms team would space those out on a schedule instead so they’re each an individual forum post we can comment on. Post the forum links to our facebook, drive positive communication & engagement in here, have it all in one place.

But really whatever you do, I’m excited about it!