Trash electronics

I have a device used with campers. It is like a surge protector but also monitors the power supply for cross wired power supply or voltage drops. It got water in it which I got dried out and it seemed to be working but was making a loud buzzing noise. It had a life time warranty so the company replaced it. They said to cut the plug off of the old one and throw it away. I cut the plug off and thought I would offer it to anyone that might want to see what components were inside before I threw it away. Let me know if someone wants it.


Hello! If you haven’t tossed it yet, I’d be very interested in it. :slight_smile:

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Do you want me to drop it off in the electronics room with your name on it?

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That would be great! Thank you!

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I’ll drop it off tomorrow morning.


I left it in the electronics lab on the little square table with a note on it that says Kezc.