Thursday Night CNC

Both Jimmy and I are going to be unable to attend tonight. Not sure if @ssaner or @Christian will be there.

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Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll skip tonight too.

Just saw this. I am around. I have a small project that I’m going to work on in the metal shop. Happy to talk to anyone that might be here.

I am going to sit out for another week. Trying to get rid of this silly cough. Hopefully next week I will be back.

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With the weather forecast this week, I suggest that we plan on cancelling this week.

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What’s wrong with the weather this week?

Supposed to have rain and snow starting Tuesday night into Wednesday. Temps are not supposed to get over freezing until Friday.

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I feel your pain!


I think our forecast is for at most 2 inches of snow with some rain, freezing rain and sleet first. But, a couple of days not getting above 20°F and staying below freezing from Tuesday night until Saturday.

Not a major storm, but more than what we’ve seen this season so far.

Nice picture! Looks asymmetrical enough that there was probably significant drifting. Hope you’re staying warm.

We could always move the meeting indoors. :slight_smile:

I was just trying to keep everyone safe. I will likely not be there either way. I do not know who has been showing up recently, so I don’t know if it is worth having. But if people want to show up, and there are others who want to come for the night, that is fine with me.


Not this week but soon. I need to work on developing my CNC skills.

Is the X-Box Kinect scan working? I would like us to pull this out tomorrow night if so. I know there is a request from Les Clark for help scanning his pickguard. If it is working, we could invite him in.


As far as I know it works. The software is on the design computer in the fab lab.

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Yeah, it mostly works. @jameslancaster and I played with it a couple months ago. The rotating platform need a bit of work though.

I guess I won’t be able to be there tomorrow. I had a possible covid exposure so I guess I should stay away this week.

Pick guards are flat, right? If they are, maybe he could just scan the thing and take the scan to inkscape and convert to a vector format like Svg. (oops looks like he thought of that in a different thread…lol)

Don’t know if anyone is planning on being there tonight, but Jimmy just let me know that he was not going to come in, and I don’t plan on being there. So probably another good week to just skip.

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No group tonight.

If anyone has any ideas of some presentations we can put together that would be interesting, please share. I really would like to see this be more instructional/informative than just informal hangout.

Especially would like to hear from anyone who is not coming to this, because a lot of people said they were interested, but we have had a small handful show up. So for those of you not coming, is there something that would make you WANT to come?

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Something always comes up that prevents me from coming be deadline or meeting. I really want to get better at this and a 13 year old who’s eager to learn. When it gets warmer outside and the days get longer. I hope to not have so many roadblocks to coming. He currently has a Raspberry Pi he needs help with we think the problem is the power supply.