This Week at Booth: 7-21-20

Here’s a quick update on some of the things going on at the new building!

:star_struck: Thank you to our many dedicated volunteers for making our new dream home a reality!

If you are interested in lending a hand, please consider coming to one of our Re-Make ICT Tuesdays work nights. There’s always something to do and a long list of tasks that need working on. If you have questions about where you might be able to help, please reach out to @Paula who is coordinating our volunteer efforts: .


A couple of Steves, a Nick, Jimmy, and who knows how many others helped put these beautiful bubbler up on the wall outside the office.

Fitting in with the plumbing theme, @jpalschauhan played Legos and got the plumbing connections finished up on the sink in the new ADA bathroom.

@Paula and Kathy sloshed around some water at either end of the building to clean up after the messy drilling in the walls to hang the fountain and to prep for more painting.

@kim put her mad skillz at social media selling to work moving more of the seemingly endless chairs we inherited with the building on to new homes.

@Kip and Alex continued on the work that Sam and Cooper were up to last week stripping and sanding more woodwork at the north entrance for refinishing. We’re down to just 32 weeks of work left to finish this tedious project.

Speaking of woodwork and refinishing, Tom worked to make up some trim to finish the connection between the windows and the repaired bookcases that was long discussed last week, and @ammejia99 and @Meadwallis sanded and stripped in anticipation of refinishing.

Tom and @ladeana worked to haul the newly widened door for the south women’s bathroom out to give it a good sanding so it can get re-stained and finished.