The Repair Shop

If you subscribe to Netflix, might I recommend a British television show that is available there called, The Repair Shop, that I think many people here might enjoy.

It is a “reality” show that is kind of Antiques Road Show meets The New Yankee Workshop or something like that. It is a shop set up a bit like a maker space where some very gifted craftspeople work. Each episode features three stories where people bring in heirloom items that have broken or are out of repair and the members of this shop collaborate to restore the items to their former glory.

The skill and the results of the efforts shown is nothing short of remarkable and I have found the episodes quite pleasing to watch.

Check it out if you can.


I’ve watched a few episodes and would agree. The one that comes to mind is the stuffed animal rebuild. It was remarkable, a sheep.

I’ll Have to check that one out. If you haven’t found him yet My Mechanics on youtube is an awesome watch. “I make new one”

Thanks for sharing! I watched the first two last evening.