Thanks for setting the alarm with me still there!

I’m pretty sure one of the steps when locking up is to walk the building to make sure there’s nobody else in the space. At least, when you pull out of the parking lot and there’s a vehicle still there that wasn’t there before, maybe that should be a clue that there’s still somebody else there. Whoever was in the ceramics room didn’t do that. Anyway, I now know what the alarm sounds like. They said it was loud, and it is. So, this is a reminder to all, before setting the alarm, actually check to see if anybody else is there. Thanks!


I’m so confused about this. Did it happen before I was there. I know Aaron was still there when I left he was in the wood shop and not ceramics. The time stamp on this post I guess is the confusing part. But yes speaking from experience it is VERY loud.


Yeah it happened about 5 minutes before you showed up. I had just gotten off the phone with security and got back in the garage when you pulled in.

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Copy that.

Please everyone make sure no one is in the building before you set the alarm. Even if there isn’t a vehicle in the parking lot there could be someone in the building a quick walk and talk(shout whatever) - ‘hey is anyone here I’m taking off’ goes a long way.


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Yeah, it was a little inconvenient for me having to run back from the metal shop to the front to disable the alarm, but I was already awake. I’m pretty sure I woke up whoever was on the other end on that security phone number when I called.

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Opposite issue this morning - showed up and the door was latched open with no one in sight.

People gonna people.


Well for every process you make, you can be assured someone is going to screw it up. I’m actually trying to carve time out to read a book called the design of everyday things. In it he describes an engineer with multiple degrees from MIT who had trouble figuring out how to heat up his coffee in the staff microwave because of how poorly designed it was.

We (the makerspace) don’t have many industrial engineers to go though our processes and optimize them, but fortunately we are all cool enough to roll with the occasional mishaps, adjust fire and move on.


Fire in the whole or hole ?

Depends on if you had the spicy salsa.

At work we are on a zero defects kick, I’ve been doing a lot of root cause analysis and recommendations on process changes.

But sometimes people just screw up.

I’m one of those people

I have a tshirt I enjoy wearing to big(ger) gigs that says “I’ve fucked up bigger shows than yours.”


Thanks for testing the alarm for us, man.


I thought I made a mistake, but I was wrong…opps