Temp storage needed

Hello. Im bringing a pallet of plastic containers for members who have wanted them. I was wondering if i could store them either in a class room, boiler room or garage. I can remove them one week after drop off. Id like to bring them in tonight if i get the go ahead


Heeyyyy… would the wire shelfs outside of ceramics offer up any type of solution? You may have to consolidate the items but that is fine with me

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If you have more with lids, ceramics could use them for dry material storage for glaze chemicals.


I have 600 with lids. Ill bring half of what i have tonight and take back what i cant store on the ceramic shelfs gaye offered.

If one of the other departments chimes in about better storage ill still take that over having to unpack all of these to put on a wire shelf


I know @chris_w and @ScottS wanted some


@Pinbot Are they on a pallet or bunch of boxes? We can put them in the garage if they are only going to be around for a week or so. There is space in the SE corner of the room, right as you walk in the door. I will also be around and can better accomidate if that is not ideal.


They are shrink wrapped on a pallet, Super light and easy to move but undoing the shrink wrap and you have 600 bottles ready to be all over the place.


OK, I will make sure there is a path clear enough to get the pallet jack through from the garage door.


Oh no ill just carry them in. I should rephrase they were on a pallet but are now just wrapped the same size as a pallet. Its just bulky


Well the path is clear anyway. If it is as wide as a pallet, then the garage door is still a better option.


Here is all the small jars i have and only small portion of the large ones.

Large ones are in a white trash bag and also lids for the small ones are also in another trash bag. If we need more lids or large jars let me know and ill bring more. We drove the suv and couldnt bring it all


I noticed all the large jars were gone and half the small jars were gone and all the lids were taken. I thought i had out plenty of lids for the amount of jars there but maybe someone took extra for something else.

Im bringing up half a pallet of large jars and 500lids. Ill check back in a week to see if more are needed or remove because no one is taking any.

@chris_w i know you wanted more


We are well past the date i had originally set for this but they have been actively being taken. But i dont want them to over stay their welcome. Unless @SteveO says they can stay longer ill be removing them this week. Thanks they will be doing to the dump along with the stock i still have in my garage


@Pinbot Check in the hot shop, on or next to the powder coat shelving. When you helped me do powder coat inventory and we talked about trying to find lids that would fit the larger jars, I went ahead and stashed them in there hoping that I’d figure out the lid situation soon.

(Needless to say, I haven’t yet-- life got in the way)


I think these are it