Teach Mig/ Flux Welding??

Hello All-

I just joined MakeICT a couple of weeks ago, and am truly happy to be apart of the community.

So, I’ve taken the metal shop safety class and I’m really wanting to learn how to weld. Most of the welding I’ll be doing is going to be based around adding metal accents to woodworking projects like furniture.

So, I was thinking Flux welding is all I need.


I’ve noticed that there are no classes coming up…at all. So I was wondering if someone with such knowledge can help me learn this. Maybe just an hour worth of instruction.

Would this be possible?

Paul M (metal shop assistant lead) He would be the final word. To my knowledge we do not run flux core in any of the mig welders at the space. They all use shielded gas.

I can say from personal experience if you are doing anything decorative, it will would be better to stay away from flux core. If this is for home and that is your only choice then it just requires more cleanup. Tons of splatter, residue and slag. Do you have a welder at home you are trying to learn. I admit use flux core at home. bottle lease are way to much for slow little welding. It is easier to clean it up after.

Paul can verify this for sure, but I don’t think just anyone can give you a short tutorial, and you be authorized.

Someone might be able to help you with your project. I am out. Way to many things.

I would direct any questions directly to metalshop@makeict.org

Thank you Tom!

@paul.maseberg is the go-to guy on this, but I know he’s very busy. Perhaps he can designate someone who would be willing to teach you one-on-one. We have a number of members who are certainly competent to teach MiG welding, and the Acting Lead is the one who can make the decision about that. Or he may try to find someone to teach so a regular class can be scheduled soon.

I would like to teach mig/Flux core if that would be allowed.


Feel free to teach all metalshop classes. As I have decided to no longer offer classes.


I would love to learn from ya if your willing to teach!

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Jimmy are you going to teach a class anytime soon?

I sent an application to teach the class but havnt heard back,

Will follow up today,

Jimmy will you be around for arduino Tuesday this week? I would like to discuss you doing these classes.

That I will


just got the mig class on the calander, tomorrow (tuesday) at 5, let me know if that date doesnt work, will have another 4 weeks


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