Stop the Bleed Class

Good evening, I am interested in holding a Stop the Bleed class since I haven’t seen many offered in Wichita. Stop the Bleed is a first aid course developed by the American College of Surgeons on how to respond to and treat massive bleeding, which are good skills to know just like CPR. I am working on getting an instructor but need to know if anyone else from MakeICT would be interested - class is about 90 minutes, held probably in January, and will be free.


I’m interested

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I would certainly take the class if its offered!

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I’m up for taking this class.

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I would take it, but cannot attend on Wednesday evenings or on Saturdays until after about 4pm.

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I recently took the class offered for Advanced CERT team members for stop the bleed. I highly recommend it. It’s a great course.

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Interested , save me a spot.

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Depending on the day/time, I am interrested.

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I want in!

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I up for it if it is on a day I can make it.

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I am interested.

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I would be interested.

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Sign me up please. Any First Responder level is great. Bleeding can be a problem around any tools or hazardous/dangerous materials. Glass comes to mind . . .

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