Statistics Committee

Hello, would anyone be interested in forming a group for statistics and analytics for and about MakeIct.

The purpose of the group or committee would be to provide better info for all committees and the board of makeict to better make decisions, improve fundraising, and other tasks

This is just a post to gain interest. After enough interest is formed we would see whats the next steps would be to assist makeict of either joining an existing committee or making our own. Thanks
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What type of information are you wanting? A good place to start would to get questions that have already been formated and tested are here Take the Survey – a project of Nation of Makers
I worked on the survey from 2019 to 2020. Unfortunately in 2020 we didn’t submit the information for the space so we did not receive that data back. I was promised 2019 data but the person in charge never followed through. In 2021 they told use a week before it was due and our focus wasn’t there to get it done.

I’d love to see us collecting more data. It will help us to not only apply for grants. Many require reports to show the grant was successful. Surveying participants before and after is a great way to show progress and how involvement helped them grow.

Membership and Fundraising both would benefit from this. I wish I had time to join you.


Hi. I’m interested! My degree is in this. Data is the future of everything! I’m comfortable with data analytics software… python, excel, ect. #DataRocks :bar_chart:


This right here basically sums up what it would be about. I talked with 3 board members after the meeting tonight about it and they wanted to gauge interest in the topic and see if anyone else would be willing to to help with the gathering and putting data on spread sheets as well as fulling inquires from committees and the board to assist in general functions and decisions.


Thanks. Ill keep you in the loop on if this gains traction and further meetings with @ladeana

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I’d be interested in this also. I was a mathematics major and took some pertinent statistics classes. And I’ve been interested enough since then to have done a lot of reading on the subject.


Would be great to have you, ill keep you updated on our progress


Another great tool I came across while researching survey questions, to develop what the community of Mulvane’s needs were, for transportation is the KU Community Tool box. They have several chapter on collecting data by developing your own survey, asking questions in a way to get the information you need, and enough engagement to have a good data set. That information can be found here Table of Contents | Community Tool Box.


Pending on when the group meets, I might be interesting in helping. :woman_shrugging:t3: making excel dance to whatever tune I choose is kinda my thing. :slight_smile:


I dont know what the rules are but im sure we could be flexible and even meet outside the space a few times also.

Id like to think a group like this could meet when needed and that each group member could have a certain task to complete by a deadline for one other member to make sure a excell sheet or something like so is ready for the next board meeting.

I would make a plan on what statistics we would pull from every month to have on hand and constantly updated and then im sure we would get requests for special ones for certain committees or projects that the space would like more info on. @KezC


This is awesome!


DM the statistics you are wanting to track and I’ll see what I can find out.


Some small stats i think would be nice to track is

members per hour,day,week,month

How many of the same members use the space on a occasion basis vs how many come once a month.

How many guests come in with members and decide to join.

How many members hold authorizations in more than half of the rooms

How many members volunteer 1+,5+,10+,20+ hours a month.

These are just some off the top of my head ones but honestly id like to get to the point where we are pulling 50+ stats a month

Some of them can be weird fun ones like which bathroom uses more toliet paper, which door never gets opened or how many pot holes does it take to think about fixing the parking lot lol.

Honnestly id love to have you show interest in joining if a committee was formed @NicoleR


I feel like if we’re looking at some of this stuff, we’re definitely gonna need representation from the @IT committee…

For planning purposes, when are we thinking of meeting? Should we do one of those doodle survey things to see what day/time works? @Pinbot


I can rightfully claim to be on the IT committee, but I would never presume to represent the IT committee.


I did bring that up to the board and i reccomended either having someone from IT or someone from our group joining IT for the purpose of not over bearing requests from us all the time and causing burn out from messaging IT to much. So ive already thought that far ahead.

The initial set up for this committee will be hard on everyone joining but over time id hope to make it more automated to relieve a lot of the manual input and search process.

As for meeting this will probably be put on the new board to look at what we want to do and formimg of the committee. So it probably wont come to play until some time in july.

From talking with 4 members from the currently board the other day about it, they had nothing but 100% positivity about a statistics committee and what i was trying to accomplish. So i dont see anything being an issue with the currentl or new board.

Right now i was asked to make this post, find interest in more people helping with it and report back to move on to the steps. In the mean time i was going to get the ducks in a row with a list of people who would join the committee, a mission statement, a general brainstorm of some good stats to pull and set up structure for the committee.


Ok. Toilet paper stats. That is odd… but I have wondered for years which stalls get more use… so if you collect that info it would help me pick a lower used stall…lol


@Kez @mindy500 @mikeb @NicoleR confirming you four were still interested in being apart of this. If so i have 5-6 members to go ahead to take the next steps in this process and will prepare everything needed for the next board meeting to take before the board for approval.


Yes, I’m in.
I’m also interested in seeing the final packet you put together for the board. Preferably before the board meeting. :stuck_out_tongue:


Everyone joining will get a copy and vote to choose a chair and vice before hand