Stained Glass - First Intro Class done. What next?

Your feedback, please. The first Introduction to Stained Glass has been completed and lessons learned incorporated. The Advanced class has been scheduled for July. The question arises as to whether it might be better to have another Introduction class before the Advanced class is offered. You, the people are the reason for the classes; so, would you prefer an Advanced class in July, or another Introduction class in its place? Please let me know how best to serve you, the Makers. I need to make the decision in the next few days since the next class is scheduled for July 12th. Let me know what you think! Thank you all.



I’m biased, but was really hoping to take the intro in August


Thank you for the input! It will be taken under consideration as others check in also.



On Fri, Jul 5, 2024, 07:27 Aaron Rivers via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| squarenuts Director of Operations
July 5 |

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I’m biased, but was really hoping to take the intro in August

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I have had the intro and would like to eventually take the advanced… but I need practice time :slight_smile:


This! That’s the reason I liked the idea of Lab time, because I’m very productive when working alongside others.

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I’m also interested but can’t commit many evenings until the fall. I’d also wonder if it’d flow a little smoother if it was limited to just the number of available workbenches.

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I did not realize the sharing of resources caused difficulties. For that, I apologize. Additional lab time is being included in the course plan. There will still be an introduction course offered this fall.



On Fri, Jul 5, 2024, 20:06 Paul via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| shack MakeICT Member
July 6 |

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I’m also interested but can’t commit many evenings until the fall. I’d also wonder if it’d flow a little smoother if it was limited to just the number of available workbenches.

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I understand wise time management, but it would be nice to eventually see these classes offered on weekends as well as weeknights for those who work 2nd shift, or for whatever reason simply cant make a weekday work. I understand that the ideal time frame comes first, but its just something to keep in mind, since you asked.


I appreciate your input greatly. I am looking at weekend scenarios as well as possible daytime hours. Open labs and workshops are also in consideration as well. I am willing to vary my schedule to fit almost any need. If I can get a reasonable class size (4 or more), I will do my best to accommodate. I just need to know.



On Sun, Jul 7, 2024, 13:08 Serena Oden-Powers via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| SerenaOden-Powers MakeICT Member
July 7 |

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I understand wise time management, but it would be nice to eventually see these classes offered on weekends as well as weeknights for those who work 2nd shift, or for whatever reason simply cant make a weekday work. I understand that the ideal time frame comes first, but its just something to keep in mind, since you asked.

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Important Update!!!

Advanced Stained Glass has been replaced by Open Lab sessions on July 12, July 19, and August 7. Introduction to Stained Glass is being offered August 16, 23, 30.


Sharing didn’t really cause any difficulty, it just seems like with a class with this much going on that a smaller group may be more easily managed.


I am trying to find the ideal balance. Theoretically easy; reality not so much. :thinking:

Have added more lab time to the newest offering in August. Hopefully this will help. Doesn’t make sense to acquire additional equipment for what will likely be smaller ongoing classes. Please keep feeding me information and wisdom.




On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 10:43 AM Paul via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| shack Secretary MakeICT
July 9 |

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Sharing didn’t really cause any difficulty, it just seems like with a class with this much going on that a smaller group may be more easily managed.

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My issue is that I don’t have three consecutive Fridays in a row. I’d like to be able to take a stand alone class or classes to learn, or hope I only have to miss one class. Thoughts?

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The classes all flow into and feed each other. Questions and discussion points help people understand better. I have taught Stained Glass in one-on-one situations and find they are not as complete as in a class situation. The consecutive classes is a model used by most places teaching this art form. If enough people ask for a more condensed class, I might be able to have two consecutive Saturdays or Sundays, but they will be all day events. Even with the additional lab sessions to try to keep you on track, I sincerely believe you will be missing out on quite a bit if missing any one or more of the classes.

The only alternative I would offer is that you pick up whichever session(s) you miss on the next offering of the class. I will have August and September Introduction classes with either another Introduction class in October or the Advanced class. One additional class TBD will likely be offered before the end of the year.

This is the best I can offer at this time. As with anything to be learned, a commitment must be made.



On Mon, Jul 15, 2024, 18:39 Toni Gale via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| TeeVee
July 15 |

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My issue is that I don’t have three consecutive Fridays in a row. I’d like to be able to take a stand alone class or classes to learn, or hope I only have to miss one class. Thoughts?

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Quick sub note is that availability of resources also drives when I can offer classes. Thank you.



On Mon, Jul 15, 2024, 23:48 Timothy York <> wrote:

The classes all flow into and feed each other. Questions and discussion points help people understand better. I have taught Stained Glass in one-on-one situations and find they are not as complete as in a class situation. The consecutive classes is a model used by most places teaching this art form. If enough people ask for a more condensed class, I might be able to have two consecutive Saturdays or Sundays, but they will be all day events. Even with the additional lab sessions to try to keep you on track, I sincerely believe you will be missing out on quite a bit if missing any one or more of the classes.

The only alternative I would offer is that you pick up whichever session(s) you miss on the next offering of the class. I will have August and September Introduction classes with either another Introduction class in October or the Advanced class. One additional class TBD will likely be offered before the end of the year.

This is the best I can offer at this time. As with anything to be learned, a commitment must be made.


On Mon, Jul 15, 2024, 18:39 Toni Gale via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| TeeVee
July 15 |

  • | - |

My issue is that I don’t have three consecutive Fridays in a row. I’d like to be able to take a stand alone class or classes to learn, or hope I only have to miss one class. Thoughts?

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Another sub note: Open Labs occur occasionally and if there is a specific portion or technique of Stained Glass you wish to explore, come to one of those and talk to me. Next one is this Friday, 19 July starting at 6:00 pm.


On Mon, Jul 15, 2024, 23:48 Timothy York <> wrote:

The classes all flow into and feed each other. Questions and discussion points help people understand better. I have taught Stained Glass in one-on-one situations and find they are not as complete as in a class situation. The consecutive classes is a model used by most places teaching this art form. If enough people ask for a more condensed class, I might be able to have two consecutive Saturdays or Sundays, but they will be all day events. Even with the additional lab sessions to try to keep you on track, I sincerely believe you will be missing out on quite a bit if missing any one or more of the classes.

The only alternative I would offer is that you pick up whichever session(s) you miss on the next offering of the class. I will have August and September Introduction classes with either another Introduction class in October or the Advanced class. One additional class TBD will likely be offered before the end of the year.

This is the best I can offer at this time. As with anything to be learned, a commitment must be made.


On Mon, Jul 15, 2024, 18:39 Toni Gale via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| TeeVee
July 15 |

  • | - |

My issue is that I don’t have three consecutive Fridays in a row. I’d like to be able to take a stand alone class or classes to learn, or hope I only have to miss one class. Thoughts?

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