Spade Connector supply

@Electronics I believe we are out of female spade connectors. I couldn’t find any last night, but perhaps they do exist somewhere? There is a clear box of various connectors in it, but the female ones were out, only the male ones were in stock.


Just posting in case this is something that Electronics wants to add to the shopping list, thanks.

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On Thu, May 4, 2023, 10:39 Chris via MakeICT Forum <> wrote:

| chris_w MakeICT Member
May 4 |

  • | - |

@Electronics I believe we are out of female spade connectors. I couldn’t find any last night, but perhaps they do exist somewhere? There is a clear box of various connectors in it, but the female ones were out, only the male ones were in stock.


Just posting in case this is something that Electronics wants to add to the shopping list, thanks.

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Did the one i gave you last night from my truck fix the easy bake?

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Yes, I didn’t test the oven afterwards, but the connector worked with a small modification, thanks!

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