
Does the space have #1 slipmold plaster there for sale i dont want to buy a whole bag

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I think we make our own slip out of the same clay we normally fire, but I could be wrong.

This is for the mold its self not the slip inside


I asked Ben and he doesn’t think we do. He was looking recently as we’ve been experimenting with slipmolding and talked about making molds. It is something we want to buy just haven’t yet.


The space does not have mold casting plaster.

I am trying to make a slip mold for my bonsai pots from an existing pot. I think it will be a fun project

We could maybe help as a project to learn mold making. How big is it?

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8 inch

Scott i know you have a lot of ceramics experience, do you have any knowledge as to making slipcast molds? Or reference materials you could steer us towards?

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Should just need some pottery #1 plaster. Its 15$ for 50 lb. at evans
Also some murphys oil soap
And something to make mold box the rest we should have if we still got reclaimed clay.


Ask Devon, he would be the one who would most likely know since he was making his own molds

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I really like her technique


Nice video, thanks.

Not sure how to use the reclaim but a box of casting slip is $10.