The faucet on the sink is no longer working. The cold water can be turned on using the shut-off valve if necessary. Please avoid using the studio if you can. We’ll go out and purchase a new faucet and get it changed out on Saturday.
The valves are 8" apart, by the way. I measured it a few days ago in anticipation of either replacing or repairing it. I’m wondering if a $5 o-ring kit would be a viable solution to get us through the few months until we move? On the other hand, if we’re taking the sink with us, either one would do, and I’d be happy to get you a replacement to save you having to buy it and wait for reimbursement.
Something like this, perhaps?
Scott replaced the o-rings on Tuesday. The handles are stripped out. I’ll look at replacing the stem completely with a new handle or find a replacement faucet. I presume we’ll take the sink with unless a better sink comes along.
We definitely don’t want the faucet to leak so much that the basin overflows and fills the room over everyone’s head with water.
So I guess it really is a matter of sink or swim
Yeah, I went there
Not gonna win any awards for looks, but this should work for now. Please treat the faucet gingerly. There is no hot water for now.
Nice work!!