National Alliance on Mental Illness Will be presenting.
"In Our Own Voice
A presentation for the general public in which two trained speakers share their compelling personal stories of living with mental illness and achieving recovery."
This is a presentation for the Show Room Lecture series.
Date and time to follow.
Hello! David E Larson here. I will be one of the presenters for this presentation. I really would like to know if anyone is interested so we can nail down some possible dates. If you are uncertain about the NAMI Organization, I would encourage you to visit
And if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at D.LARSON@NAMIWICHITA.ORG Thank you!
I’m truly interested but not free any in April. May looks better for me. I’d be happy to support this with social media post and other ways of sharing that it’s happening
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I love learning about things I don’t know about. I am in (if it is not Monday or Wednesday.)
@Malissa and @ladeana would you two be amenable to this presentation being done on a Saturday in May, either May 6th or May 13th? And does 2 PM sound good? Or if you need a weekday, would May 4th, 9th, or 18th in the evening hours work? Let me know and I will contact my fellow presenter and see what we can do.
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Any of those should work for me.
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I’m good with whatever you do as long as it doesn’t conflict with another event and it comes through @Events
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By no means either LaDeana or I want or intend to be “gate keepers” neither of us want to be that. We just want to make sure when request come through that they don’t come directly to us and that people use the system in place. Just because we’ve been the most active and visible event team members doesn’t mean it will continue to be that way.
I didn’t think that you two were trying to be “gatekeepers.” But I do welcome anyone’s input and I haven’t seen anyone else noting when they want this event or an event like this to take place. Are their messages that I am not receiving or that I am missing? I really want to know from everyone what everyone wants. I agree (especially now) that April is not really available. And I would love to offer this presentation in May, if possible, with everyone interested. And we can offer it multiple times. So, If someone misses this presentation in the works, we would be glad to set up other dates. NAMI’s Signature Programs like the In Our Own Voice Presentation is always free! Please let me know any other options that you or anyone else suggests. Thank you. By the way, I haven’t set a firm date in May because my fellow presenter has not connected with me yet to let me know when they are available. I really would like to present on either the first or second Saturday at 2:00 PM. Are there other times preferably in the evening of weekdays that would work for people? Let me know and I will do my best to meet the schedule that people would like.
It is not my intention to label anyone as a “gatekeeper”. Ledeana is the classroom lead I want to make sure that she is a vital part of the Show Room plan.
David thank you for your input, yes we also would like an idea of who is interested in attending the NAMI presentation!
A Saturday date in May at 2:00 PM should work.
Dean, I believe we have a date and a time. Do you want me to post it here or do you want to call me so I can share and then you can carry it through proper channels? I am thinking the latter, but I default to you.
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