Shopbot training class

I know of four people myself included that want to learn the shop bot, any trainers planning on scheduling a class soon?

Nights and weekends are when we can all attend

Do you want to learn the easle version or the fusion360 version?

I’ve taken basic fusion 360 class (the other three haven’t) I’d be inclined to choose fusion 360 but I’m also curious about easel and would like to learn it.

Does one have less of a learning curve than the other?

@rustin.atkeisson I would be interested in the Fusion 360 version.

I would also like the Fusion 360 version of the class…

I am also interested in the shopbot training using fusion 360.

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I’ve helped teach a couple of the classes on fusion 360, but I have not taught them on easel.

Might take me a few weeks to dust off the old training material for the shopbot fusion 360 class, but I think we were able to teach 4 people at a time.


We’ve got a few classes added to the calendar, now. Check 'em out.


Thanks! I’m registered for the fourth shopbot & easel class. I’ll let my people know.

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