Sawstop - don't panic

A discussion came up on a forum I spend time on. Somebody bought a new sawstop. I mentioned that we have, at times, had quite a few false trips. Then I noticed that I haven’t read of one in awhile. I suppose the usage may be lower now than when we had several trip, but I wonder if it’s the time of year that contributes to a rash of trips. Seems like it happens more in the winter when the air is drier. Maybe it’s related. Maybe not. Just a thought.

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Aaron said last summer there was like five instanses of the sawstop tripping.
Fingers are crossed…

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Does static electricity affect that machine? It could be a factor

Yeah, it seems like they all happened in a fairly short period of time. Maybe I’m misremembering that but it felt like they all happened within a span of a couple months.