Want a free riverfest button? Once again MakeICT will be featured at the Kids Corner and STEAM city events - come play with toys and hang out with our cool outreach committee! The schedule is:
Kids Corner Saturday, June 2: 2-5pm
STEAM City Sunday, June 3: 12-5pm
Kids Corner Monday, June 4: 5-8pm
Kids Corner Tuesday, June 5: 5-8pm
Kids Corner Friday, June 8: 5-8pm
Kids Corner Saturday, June 9: 11am to 2pm
We need a TON of volunteers, you can either reply here and I will add you to the schedule or use http://makeict.org/volunteer to sign up. It’d be awesome if everyone could take at least two shifts because we need four people per shift. Barb counts as one! I will do as much as I can!
Most shifts still need a person or two but we have nobody available to help out yet on June 9 - any takers? Feel free to extend this offer to friends and other organizations, I have plenty of buttons
Any chance you could do June 9th? That’s a busy Saturday, half our board is at nomcon so it’s a day we really need help. Just 11am-2pm. Same question for everybody, really.
I will try to remember to bring riverfest buttons for you fine people to maker monday.
Hey guys if you have never volunteered, this is an excellent opportunity,
It is a one (or more at your discretion) gig. It doesn’t repeat until next year… so no long term commitment… which is super good when you are a busy person.
No prep. Barb always has the stuff organized and she just shows you how to make the stuff and then you show kids how to do it… you just show up and go.
Its for the kids. It is kinda cool to see all the kids having fun making stuff… I especially like to see the older ones … it is fun to see them pleased with being told they are too old… you can kind of spot them circling to see if it is ok to be older.
It is a super way to break into the volunteer pool at MakeICT. Sometimes I think it is hard for people to
I will be gone the 9th… but sign me up for a shift. I should be able to do almost any of the shifts… so we can see which ones need help.
Had a good talk with Barb last night and I think we’re okay on volunteers for kids corner now, but STEAM city is longer and has to be all MakeICT folks, so if anyone else is available for even half that shift let me know! It is June 3 from 12-5 PM. Joel could still use some folks for plastics shredding too.