RDworks documentation

I have this page on RDworks that links to the software download page, workflow, and now screenshots with step-by-step instructions. These haven’t been totally tested out and I need to leave a printed copy at the makerspace later this week, but they should help.

I’ve been teaching just the green laser in classes these days, so if you’re already authorized you’re welcome to crash a class or just come about an hour into it when we’ve moved out to the laser cutter to watch us all go through the workflow steps.

Page with links is at:


Okay… I have a powerpoint of screenshots.

I’d like to test it on someone who hasn’t learned the new laser. Any volunteers? Best time for me would be Saturday morning after coffee with the board… 10am or so.

I’ll bet it will be closer to 11, but if you need a guinea pig, I’ll be there anyway.

David made for a good guinea pig! RD works instructions are now printed off in a 3-ring binder that will hopefully not get lost too quickly.

If you want to leave comments/questions, you’re welcome to write them in the book, I had a few markups that are incorporated in the electronic copy now and I’ll check for more after a time.

But now anyone who’s laser authorized should be able to teach themselves RDworks/green laser any time you darn well please.