Pouring epoxy

Attempt #3. I’m trying to create a tray with epoxy pockets. I took my project laser cut the holes and i want to fill the holes with a light level of expoxy, to hold change, keys ect. The 1st time I used painters tape, nope epoxy went through and absorbed thru it. 2nd attempt i used wax paper, nope never cured right went through it again. So what should i use at the bottom, to make this work? Thanks

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I would suggest something like melamine with a release agent. I’ve used hairspray for release agent with pretty good success.


Talked with my wife who does a lot of epoxy pouring. We recommend a silicone backing something like this may work for you without a lot of cost https://www.amazon.com/Silicone-Measurement-Non-slip-Reusable-Macarons/dp/B0999594RR/ref=sr_1_18?crid=3QTHDIGXPNB6E&keywords=silpat&qid=1700585586&sprefix=silpat%2Caps%2C167&sr=8-18&th=1

That’s just the first one I found shop around obviously. You may need to tap around the outside of the wood and put some weight on the wood so nothing leaks out,


Sealing around the edge can be a problem with epoxy pours. What do you use to dam around it that will stick to the silicone?

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my wife uses packing tape but doesn’t actually stick to the silicone… That’s the purpose of weighting down the wood so that it presses into the silicone


I’m not saying that can’t work, but it only works if the work piece and the table under the silicone are perfectly flat, or at least have exactly the same contour. I’m sure it’s a little less critical on a small scale like this. On the one I did a few years ago, I had to build a box around it like they do for table pours. I wonder if vacuum bagging it would do well enough at containing it and sealing the silicone mat to the bottom of the work

I also have a 32 " wide toll of fiberglass coayed with teflon. From Boeing Surplus 15 years ago. Seldom used.
I keep lots of materisks I might donate some or all of.
Id like to participate in some epoxy pours as well. So my roll is available to try. You can stick gorilla tape to it …sorta. weights still needed.


Thank you

Ill try it

Lets do something…with yoir permission I will record still and video. Shamelessly showing the hardcparts where we learned.

I would love to learn epoxy pours. But dont haveca need.
And am determined to just watch and assist. And not ruin yours.


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Yeah, I’m down.

Coupla options that might work:

  1. packing tape and a flat level surface (McMaster-Carr)
  2. build a jig for planning off the epoxy overflow with a router
  3. build a jig to screw/clamp onto the bottom of the piece to be filled, sandwich a thin material in between (such as the silicone mat) and then pour

I put my roll of fiberglass teflon in the car. Not sure if its interesting.


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