
Greetings! I just had my first experience throwing clay and making a bowl. It was SO fun and I would like to check out what Make ICT offers. Any pointers anyone has to learn more, I would be thankful and eager to learn!

Thanks so much!
Ann Millar


The best place is to look at the calendar to see up coming classes.

The thing i like doing is just walk into a shop while someone is working and just make small talk if they want to. Ask them about their project and just watch. See if you’re into what they are making.

Some areas have authorizations before you can use equipment but you can still be in the shop and see whats happening.

Find your passion and explore!!


I’m so glad you enjoyed making a bowl. I do handbuilding, I really enjoy it.


I am in the space most evenings and enjoy sharing skills.

You are formally invited to share an hour or two of my time if you want to come to ceramics tonight (6 to midnight), or I am sure I will see you around eventually.

Welcome to fun with mud!