Potential change in days for Day of the Thread

Again, I won’t be able to make Day of the Thread. My husband wants to go to Riverfest. In addition, my schedule keeps changing and several of my regular meetings have moved to Tuesdays. I am wondering about changing the meeting day to Thursdays. Any thoughts?


Thursdays would work for me.

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I would be ok with Thursday evenings at the same time. I haven’t been going to them because the last several I went to, there was no one else there. If a change of days would make it easier for more people, I’m all for it. Thanks June.

Thursday would just fine with me.

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Thursday would work for me. I’m here now and was surprised to find no one here since I had seen it on the calendar.

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Sorry, with Riverfest and my posting…

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No worries. Not complaining. I didn’t look at the forum before I went. But Thursday would work for me.

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