Pop/Water Maintainer Needed

Looking for someone to take over taking care of the pop and water in the break room. Especially if you have a large vehicle and like using curbside pickup. If you are interested, please respond.


I have a couple questions. How often do you have to refill? Is there a budget for soda and water or do you just use the money accumulated in the jar? Will you go over the favorites with whoever takes over?


“Refill” depends on whether you are talking filling the fridge, or the backstock. I personally check the fridge and fill it every time I am in the space to keep it full. As for trips to the store, I typically try to buy enough backstock to limit my trips to the store. So, it just depends on how much is purchased, on how often you would need to refill it.

There is no actual budget perse, but assuming everyone is paying, and we take advantage of sales when purchasing, the funds brought in should cover what was paid and the sales tax.

Whoever maintains it, generally just covers the cost of the purchase, and then turns in the receipts for reimbursement.

The can is generally cleaned out by the treasurer, though I do like to skim the bills out and drop them in the blue box just so a lot of cash isn’t laying around.

As for flavors, my selection is usually based on Supply/Demand. I typically stock diet and regular Dr. Pepper, diet and regular Coke, Coke Zero as long as it is selling, and Sprite. The bottom shell if whim based or by request. I have been putting A&W and Fanta products there. I have also put sparkling water or ginger ale products down there.


I can take over the water and soda. Just let me know when!