Planer problem

I’ve been using the planer for a project and I managed to miss something metal in my wood. Now the planer seems to have a spot where it doesn’t plane. I believe I chipped a tooth. Pretty sure that wasn’t a thing before and I’d be happy to help fix it.


I’ll be in tonight to work on it for an hour or two. Anyone should feel free to stop in and talk shop if they like!

@TeeVee Thanks for posting. It is vital that any equipment failure needs to be addressed bluntly and in due haste. Towards that end, reporting can be the most critical step. Sharing on the forum is definitely encouraged.

With broken teeth there is a greater possibility of further damage revealing itself through the loss of more carbide inserts or even the mounting screws working their way loose. The planer should be considered out of operation until the damage is dealt with. Please unplug and lock out the machine if you are still there*. I will be in this evening at 7 to rotate and or replace blades. for anyone wishing to see how this is done or who might have woodshop questions in general, I’d be happy to demonstrate and talk shop while working on it.

My contact policy:

If anything is damaged or found inoperable, or if anyone needs to contact me concerning those areas or any other MakeICT business, it is my preference that I be contacted directly.

Please text 3one6)two53-four12five or email aaron[dot]rivers[at]

This contact info is also posted above the first aid kit in the stationary machine room. I mainly ask this as I do not carefully monitor of the forum, and want to be aware as soon as possible to any issues, equipment failure/damage or otherwise.

  • Any tool that one considers to be operating unsafely should be reported, labeled out of order, and locked out.

Oh, and always keep that eye out for foreign bodies and dangerous wood defects throughout your work :wink: Situations like this can and do happen frequently.

Happy (and safe!) making!!!

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